Am I ahead or behind the 8 ball? 30 days into 12/12

Good evening Overgrow, this is my first grow and would like to know others opinion. I am flowering Star 47 x OG Grape Krypt, Headband, Chem Sour Diesel x Graper Ape, Jack la Mota x (Blue OG x Ripper), Jack Herer. These are just a few strains of my continual harvest I have running. I am almost 30 days into flowering with a around 4-6 weeks to go. Will I harvest on time if things stay at this rate??Thanks


Hello, very nice setup! Iā€™d say there are differences in between strains. Some looks very promising but some are maybe still small after 30 days.

But 4-6 weeks are still a lot of time!

You can easily select most promising for next rounds :slight_smile:


Thanks Joe. Some plants are 1-2 weeks older than others which hopefully accounts for some of the slow growth. I believe change of medium to Coco and addition of a co2 system should help next round.

Hi, looking good there.

In my opinion the guide to days toharvest on seed packs etc are just that a guideline. Every room has its own enviromentals that come into play including mediums used to grow in etc, some finish faster on hydro than soil or coco and vice versa.

The best way is to look at the trichomes, not the pistils as many people mistake the saying for wait till they go brown. As your plants finish the calyxes will swell up around the pistils as they change colour, but ripeness is really detected using a microscope. Then its personal choice as to the kind of effect you are looking to acheive more of a high or a stoney effect.

Best way is not to put a date on yourself and time constraints, buy a pocket microscope or one that can be attached via usb to a computer for a real good look. Remeber its only a guideline, sometimes they will finish faster than expected, sometimes bang on time, sometimes a late, enviromentals effect this, size of plant vegged, temps, humidity, medium grown in, air circulation, any problems with feeding, under or over fertilised, under or over watered, type of lights used etc

But yours are looking very good for the days in flower, well done, keep up the great work and keep us all posted :+1:

Me personally Iā€™m from the oldskool and use this.


Same for me as @Herbie. I look at trichomes. If you harvest too early a lot of evidence is saying you will miss out on terpenes as well.

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Thanks for all the feedback guys! Do you all harvest when trics are half amber and half cloudy for a good balance??

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My advice would be to take a sample or cross section to find out how you prefer it, take a small bud when they start to turn amber, then another when 50-50 amber milky, probably harvest at that point bu tleave 1 or 2 to ripen further. Mark them with a clothes peg for example or label etc thenyou know for the future. Every one is different and its personal preference across different strains too.

Also dpends if its all for you or some is to move on, if moving some on, find out what the client would like, try to get a sample of what they prefer or have all ready, put that under the microscope and match it.


I like a little amber on mine. I shoot for 20%, more on sativas that might have some anxiety to them.