2 beautiful clones

I have two new clones in flowering! I don’t know the strain names just initials- Icr
They are under 12/12 light with a mashydro ts1000.
Can you guys tell me approximately how many weeks do they need?

I’m really excited about them!


Looking good , you might benefit from removing all that little stuff at the bottom that won’t amount to anything. Will also allow the plant to focus its energy on the bigger buds. I would strip the bottom 6in off :ok_hand:

Plants look great so far


Hi Harmony!

Looks like about 5? weeks. Still a way to go. Looking good though

I have a mars light too :slight_smile:

All the best


I removed them, thanks for the good advice :slight_smile:


Thank youu!
5 weeks sounds good. Is it possible to know in this stage that about how much can i harvest from it?
This is my first run with this light :smile:


Too many variables honestly, strain, genetics, growing med, environment and grower skill. One gram per watt is considered very good. You could assume 1/2 per watt even with crappy genetics and a poor environment.


1 gram per watt would be an excellent result. I would think you’d get more like .5 to .75 per watt. I train mine a bit differently than yours though.

Seriously they look good.


They look good. Enjoy the grow.


if possible ask what the clone strain is
easier to then tell you how to take care of her


Oh okey thanks! So this will be a little surprise :grin:


Sadly; the people i could ask doesn’t know either.

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Hi! I have new pictures of the clones :heart_eyes:


You will be surprised how much that helps them out!

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Hi! The 2 plants are growing very quick in my opinion! The flowers are looking like snowflakes and i lovee it :heart_eyes:


Here’s the fluffier!

And the more leafy


Hello! It has been nearly a month and the two clones are so much bigger now. They have a spider mite problem, i spray some bug killer on it every two days until the mites are not dead. I don’t know how much time they have left, but i wonder maybe 2-3 weeks?! If i thought wrong someone could help me?
Here are some pictures from today:



The best way to tell when it’s ready is to look at the trichrome heads with a jewelers loop or pocket microscope. Check the crystals on the buds, make sure they’re at least all cloudy. Different strains and personal preference would dictate how much amber you want. The more amber, the more couch lock it may get, and some strains will even cause some body stiffness or aches if it goes too amber, like it over ripened (at least in my experience). If your working with the same strain/clones from one batch to another, you should try harvesting it with different percentages of amber, and make note so you know when you like that plant harvested.


Hello! I really appreciate your help, but how can i now if i can harvest if i don’t have a microscope i can check the trichromes with?

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Not really man it is really hard to eyeball how much you will harvest like was said too many variables…not to mention all the weight you lose from drying and curing. As far as how long you have left is tough to say without knowing the strain. The best thing you can do is buy a $15 jeweler loupe to monitor the trichrome production. You definitely have a ways to go. Start looking at the trichromes once the buds actually develop. Your plant will tell you when to harvest bud…oh shit they have gotten bigger lol I thought they were still pretty fresh into flower until I saw your latest pictures. I still stand by what we are saying and invest 20 bucks 8n a cheap USB microscope or a jewelers loupe. That is the only way to look at the trichromes and to be able to accurately determine when to chop


The old saying was any time more than half your hairs turn red, but unless you really know the strain, they can turn 75% red then suddenly swell up again and put out a lot more buds.