Tryke Check! Is it time?

So I always get confused around harvest time about “clear Amber” trichs.
They’re clear, but they’re Amber…
Here’s some pictures. Can you guys tell me what you think. About a week or two away maybe?
Let me know.


Looks ready to me. Any whole bud or plant pictures?


I see some ambering and a lot of cloudy. You still have a lot of clear so I’d say another week to 10 days :+1:
Edit - You can harvest the upper most buds and leave the lower buds to mature more. A hermie at this point is nothing to worry about


Looks mostly cloudy, with like maybe 10% Amber??? Is that what your seeing there, hard to really tell from pic’s.
Plant is very close, depending upon what YOU WANT!!
I like 15 % Amber or a touch more, I would probably watch them close for the next week.

The trich’s have THREE “phases’” No such thing as clear amber, lol.
You got clear…can see into and through the “heads” like one on very bottom of 1st pic…it is clear.

Then you have cloudy…the heads “cloud” up, get milky looking inside…hard to tell in these pics, but most of those appear cloudy to me.

Then you have Amber…it turns this “reddish/Amber” color…it is not clear/amber nor cloudy/amber, but just amber…tells you the trich’s are degrading.

Depending upon what you like, and what kind of plant it is, she might be done in 3-5 days…or let her go out another 7-10 days.

IF she were mine…I would let her run 5 days, then see how much more Amber she added. IF she added a good bit of Amber, I would take her…if it stayed the same amount of Amber, I would let her go a bit more.

IF you wanna see for yourself IF it makes a difference…take a good branch now…let the rest go a bit more. Label the “early” branch…test it against the rest of the plant when you harvest it.


Thank you guys. I like you’re answers. I’ll put some pics up tonight when she wakes up. She’s a supposed to be a <60 day strain.

Thanks for clearing that up for me Jet lol. Your absolutely right tho. I’m thinking I’m gonna let her go another 7-12 days cause I personally like stoney bud.


The old adage is:

“If you think it’s ready, wait a week.”