Am I wasting my time cloning?

I run a perpetual grow. I have 8 different strains going at the moment. 4 of which are keeper strains, until I find something I like better, then I have to decide which of the 4 keeper strains to quit running to make way for the new one.
On my keeper strains, I take 4 clones, then run the mother.
Before I run the last of those 4 clones, I take 4 more.
Wash rinse repeat.
I figure 4 keepers are plenty, why keep your 5th favorite plant? Right?
When I introduce a new strain, I pop 4 seeds, after sexing, unless fems, I kick out the males, and back up every female with two clones, then run the mother.
If I like the mother better than one of my keepers, I will take 4 clones from one of the two back up clones.
This allows me to keep running through several different strains, while keeping a limited amount of keepers.

This is my veg area.

And this is my flower area, as you can see, I am doing all this in a small amount of space.
A new plant goes into 12/12 every 11 days.
It’s all a bit of a balancing act, but I have it down to a pretty decent science at this point.

This, btw, is one of my keepers.
ECSD x Ogers Kush.


I disagree.

Bite off waaay to much. Get way in over your head. Have plants coming out of your ears dying all over your deck.
The faster you get comfortable killing plants the faster you will be a better gardener.

Stress test. For science.


The garden can be your student, or you can be its.


Seed plants will grow differently than your clones of the same plant.They will be more stable as they get more acclimated to your environment .


I bit off way more than I could chew several times on the way to figuring out the mess I call a system, lol.
It’s all part of the learning process.


That is pretty much exactly how I operate over here. Kinda just fell into it. Then lost half the keepers :joy: currently hunting for new replacements.


I think, if you’re getting seeds from reputable breeders, 80-90% of the seeds (maybe even 100%) in a pack will be about the same. And you’ll probably be happy with all of them. So, If cloning seems like too much trouble, just pop and grow the seeds and enjoy the ride. It’ll be great.
You make the rules for your best growing experience!


I personally clone everything with a turbokloner , super simple system , snip , insert and walk away. That being said, in the past prior to have a turbokloner I would just reveg when I found I plant I wanted to work with, now that can take a long time to get to the point where you can start cloning .
In my opinion cloning is much more efficient opinion just simply for the fact that once you are sure that is a plant you want you already have cuts rooted or even already in soil .

I noticed more regret coming from people who didn’t take cuts rather than people who took the cuts


Insurance always comes with a cost.


Yes it does

So one must find a way to streamline and not overly focus on preservation of plants

But it’s also important to not lose the fruits of the pheno hunting


Good call ! :ok_hand:


Another thing to point out

This is why some breeders started out making seed with their favorite phenos

So if they lost the plant, they still had something to hunt


There’s always something better even if it is in some crack in a mountainside in Nuristan.


I used to keep cuttings but found myself just flowering the same breed over and over and never moving on to other wonderful breeds and clones are always ready to flower. Now these days I grow 2 different breeds with the same genetics together to backcross if it’s from a Feminize seed just in case and make f2’s to keep the genetics preserved if it’s regular seeds. I still take cuttings just because I feel that they express themselves better from clones than from seeds maybe because of the age of the plant. It’s also a lot easier to store seeds and not go over on plant counts like you would with mother’s around.


If you aren’t very serious and this is a hobby just reveg the keepers. You aren’t wasting your time though variety will all depend on the genes and breeding done if any.