Does it matter WHERE / WHEN you take your clone?

I am getting ready to take some clones from a some new seeds i popped about a month ago, In the past i’ve ALWAYS taken the big main stem cloned it and used it as a “mom” or to start other clones flowering the originally usually. This time i would like to leave the middle intact as I don;t want to top 2 of them as i want to see which yield’s best but may top after, however I want to clean up the bottom’s and the growth is looking good enough for clone’s I’d like to take clones from the 2nd and 3rd nodes to start, cutting the 1st one’s out at they are too smally and not looking the best, my question is, it will still be the same genetics as if i was taking the main stem ? Main reason i ask is i had a plant grow a flat stem from the 1st or 2nd node before and the whole stem was messed up and the only part of the plant once i cut it away it was fine, so only that stem had the “flat stem gene” or only chose to come out there. Curious if anyone’s seen any negative effects taking bottom cuts of new seeds.



Clones can come from most parts of the plant.

I like to harvest to 2nd to lowest bow first and right around flip time. Then I can top it or not.



I still have mothers now that were taken from seedling (less than 3 weeks old) tops and lower branches that were only 25ish mm long.



just that sometimes they take a little longer than a top shoot once rooted.


I’ll say I’ve seen a single stem show a mutation and clones from that continued the mutation


As long as what you’re taking is healthy, it doesn’t matter where you take the clone from. Taking the top of a plant will shock it for a few days, but the lower branches don’t slow it down as much (cultivar depending).


Interesting answers. I’d have to say I disagree with most.

It absolutely matters where, and when you take your cuts unless you are in no rush at all.


Do elaborate… Pretty please


Well Purple Afghan Kush from Dinafem Genetics i gew a few months ago. It started as a tri-leaf plant ( 3 nodes to start) and when the first set of regular nodes came one of them had a flat stem gene, NONE Of the rest of the plant all the way through until harvest showed any more signs of the flat stem gene besides that ONE single branch, my thought was this branch is genetically different from the rest of the plant even though it is a clone… If you get what i mean by that ? @Skiball Said he has seen the same thing!!

I’m hurting for some meds as i had a hermie and enviroment issues (Nutes too high & ph pen was off and tempature fluctations vastly more than 20Fdegree difereence some days.

Now that I’m dialed in i have pretty much restarted with the few seeds i had and I want to take some clones leave the top of the plant intact for new growth, i plan to wait a little longer as i want to clone them all the same time which is atleast 1-2 weeks away, some are same strain (Blue Dream) and trying to leave them excatly the same so i can see which yields more . as i need one yielder strain and blue dream has sown to do that aswell as be a good overall smoke!

lol, all of my guys will tell you I preach or preached growing techniques. I do try and limit the amount that I do now a days on open forums and there are many many ways to skin a cat. Most will argue that though in these types of gatherings.

To safely grow a female from seed, and take cuts with no stress to the plant.

Grow plant to 7 nodes from first real set of leaves. Set the 8th node as a cut once it is large enough to remove. Remove the lower 2 sets of branches once they are producing their second node, which leaves you a perfectly shaped candelabra mother, and 4 additional cuts that are already somewhat hardened off which will traditionally root faster than newly developed growth, tops, new shoots from branches. Older branches also have a much better rate at survival because new growth tends to rot very easily.

Different strokes…


Yup I had the 3 node happen on the clone I was talking about. When you say flat stem is that the vine growing mutation? I’ve seen that one twice so far.


I agree that as long as the mother is healthy it doesn’t matter where you take the clone from. When I take clones from my mom’s I see no shock at all. If I ever get some free time I will clone a whole branch taken from close to the base. You can also take a long branch say like two feet and cut off 6" of the tip and every 6" after that to get 4 cutting from 1 branch. As long as there is at least one shoot on the branch, you should have no problem. If it is not the tip, I try to take the cutting so it has at least 2 new shoots.

As per the top or bottom, The top main branch will always be the strongest, and once it roots because It is larger, It will start to grow faster. I try to maintain my mothers so they will always have large main shoots to clone. Bottom branches also work but obviously that if it is smaller in size than another clone from the same mother that is larger will grow faster.

It all depends on the conditions, but, with everything dialed in, you can even maintain a small amount of growth while rooting. ( not in cubes) hi


Nice to have a concise plan with a predictable outcome.



Not the vine but what happens is the stem grows super skinny and has massive width almsot like a garden hose with no water when squished down!! google it and you will see many examples, the top of the branch is ENTIRELY made of nodes, its messed up when you flower the bud it’s been nicknamed “mohawk” bud by some because the top is purely calyx and pistil’s giving the branch a sort of mohaw type effect.


Also you can take clones off the very bottom at the end of flower before you cull it so I have been told.strong text

These clones will need to be revegged.


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Good stuff @LED_Seedz. I needed that info. Very timely. Much respect and gratitude brother.

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Brilliant my man! Gonna try this. Thanks @Viva_Mexico!

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something like this


yeah im not interested in revegging a plant too much time and stress on the plant I’d rather take cuts before flower so i know i have the strain before i flower the mom lol

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