Clones VS Reveg (For Pheno Hunting - Goji OG)

I will be starting a Goji OG F2 mini pheno hunt, with my mind set on breeding next year.

But cloning and vegging those clones for 2 months, is a no no for my space. specially cus i intend to have 8 plants if im lucky.

1. Should I just keep them in solos for the two months? (ive tried this before and had some root bound issues and im not sure if that affects the plant later on)

2. how do you keep your clones small?

3. Should i just reveg the best pheno instead of maintaining so many clones?


Grow em out for 4-6 weeks then take new clones. Cull the original clones once you’re sure the new ones are rooted. Helps prevent disease too. Stressing out and rootbinding them in solos will just make them more susceptible to pest and disease pressure. Or gamble on the reveg process. Either way I would not chose #1.


this sounds like the best bet.

interesting , that might explain some issues i just had.


Yeah, some folks swear by the bonsai mom style of keeping a clone super root bound for long periods of time but, in my honest opinion, I think refreshing your mom often is the best solution for both saving space and keeping your prized cuts healthy. A sad, root bound plant is an easy target for disease issues :+1:


Has anyone tried air layering and if that is done would that still mean you only have one plant?

I can only grow twelve but just wondering if that would speed things up and have more in flowering mode.


I air layer off my grafted mom. I am the queen of working within small plant counts. How can i help?


I haven’t ever tried it and thought it would be a great way to have clones but not really add to plant count. Technically still just one plant right?

correct. its easy and cheap just takes a while but with planning can really help your med production


What I do when hunting is I keep clones in 3" pots. By the time they’re really root bound(4weeks), they also need a good pruning, so I take new cuts and reset them. Second batch needs a reset usually around chop time.

Reveg is cool and all but isn’t 100%… imagine doing all that work, finding a spectacular plant and the keeper won’t reveg.


There is no way to know if a plant is a keeper before you harvest, dry, trim, jar, cure and sample the cured product several times, hopefully with friends.

As such, reveg is not a good keeper strategy unless you want to keep all of your plants and reveg them for the (at least) 6wks it takes to determine if they’re a keeper.

Instead, you have to take clones. There’s really no other viable strategy.



I’ll say that in the past that I was super dogsh*t at cloning, but I have pulled off air layering and have a couple clones going right now that were pulled off the mother with air layering. Do recommend!


I keep them in straight water after being cut in extreme low light. I have about 42 clones I took 3 months ago that are still at appx . 6-8 inches. Been doing this forever, can also take cuts, toss em in the fridge for weeks and weeks, my mentor did it once for 47 days, pulled em out, popped them in macro plugs and 9 days later shoots galore.


Thanks, will have to find good technique. If you have any suggestions please let me know. :+1:

I have done 2 write ups on my grafting.

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Sounds interesting and has possibilities in increasing your numbers since kinda one plant :wink:

Exactly. I have my Multi graft mom and like 7 or 8 different options for clones on her. Then you can airlayer off her to get nice big rooted clones while vegging others instead. Missouri is “in flower vs vegging” plants so thats how I get around that issue.


I would like to hear more about this. Just throw the cuts in labeled baggies in the veggie crisper?

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I was wondering what your technique was? This sounds like it has a lot of potential for my stubborn Deep Chunk.

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Air Layering Propagation - How To Air Layer Plants | Gardening Know How and for grafting check my topics out. I have done 2 write ups


oh I don’t use moss. I use moist coco coir since I grow in coco anyway.

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