An envelope method of sending cuts(unrooted), potentially across the border

Man those are beautiful. I need something like that to take pictures. I am digging plant 4.


It’s so great! I know there’s probably some cuts lost in limbo, but the success lately has been awesome! Thanks for having fun with me, spreading cuts you guys! What a blast!

Those super freak x Bob plants are gorgeous. Nice work! I don’t remember if you got any live cuts of gush mints or government oasis? Let me know @Pigeonman. I’ll send more out. There might be some already on their way to you. Lol.


Ahem!!! MOB


I need to build me one of these aerocloners…

Congratulations :clap::tada:


Yes!!! Amazing! The other cuts looking promising still @LoveDaAutos ?

Just need one. :sunglasses:


One sadly passed away several days ago. The other one, if it pushes out some roots here in the next week will make it too. But it’s starting to go downhill a bit. But like you said you only need one.

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Hey :wave:, man was just going back and looking :eyes: through this thread 🪡 and man I got to say. The success rate with your clones arriving and making it seem off the chart :chart_with_upwards_trend:! I know you are one of the ones to talk to about clones. Got some from @NDNCHILD and @OnePassionateGrower that are looking :eyes: really good :+1:, they both did a really well once I had them for a few days! :ok_hand::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


You’re good! She roots very easy.


You guys have put so much effort in to making this envelop method of sending cuts a success that I don’t feel comfortable making suggestions.

But I will anyway. :rofl:

It is proven that young green cuts / snips will push out roots easier and faster then a woody cut will. Some time take a hedge trimmer and make a swipe about 1/3 of the way down one of your mom plants. Just a single left to right pass giving it a buzz cut sort of. All the new growth will be green and fresh and young and will root easier.

PS: You can do it with scissors too but it’s more dramatic with the hedge trimmers.


Also might want to avoid adding silica as well because that makes stems hardy as hell. Turned my seedling into toothpicks lol

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Hey man! I really appreciate your input! Im no expert when it comes to this. It’s been a great help having community input. And I have heard that less woody is easier/ quicker to root. Does that tenderness in the stem translate to being more susceptible to decay/rot/failure over ~2 week travel time? I was just assuming they wouldn’t travel as long as small green stems. They’ll probably be good and I’ll experiment with it some. Thanks for making me reconsider this, friend!

Feel free to share any other ideas @LoveDaAutos, and anyone else!

Noted! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


a bath in H2O (water) and heavily diluted H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) should kill molds and bug eggs before you get started.


One more successful rooting; Green Crack

Almost four weeks since you sent it - one week in transit and three under the dome, but this one always looked like it was gonna survive.

Thanks again.


That is one tenacious plant! Just chopped one of her progeny down a week and a half ago.

Glad you got roots on her @middleman !
She’ll need support. Weak branches for the weight she loads on. :star_struck:


Got 2 packs of cuts today from 2 different OGers! All looked good except one from each pack.

I was confused when I opened the packs because they both had the same packaging inside.

Thanks @Bobgrows & @OnePassionateGrower

I’m thinking they’ll all have at least one that’ll throw roots for me! :wink:

Forgot to say, then I remembered OPG said he was reusing some materials. I thought he meant mine…:sunglasses:🫶🏼


:partying_face: :call_me_hand:t2: We both recycled the same packaging that’s real OGers for you… :joy: Hope they root well for you brother. :100: :metal:t2: @Rhino_buddy Must’ve really stumped you at first.


I see the sticks we made keep going! Fantastic! Keep them going…

@Rhino_buddy let me know which one didn’t survive. I’ll resend. Plants are looking good. :ok_hand:

@OnePassionateGrower I’ll get those others to to . I’ll DM you.


@Rhino_buddy was pondering if heat-reflective thermal blankets might improve the snips longevity. :thinking:

They have thermal bubble mailers but a cut up space blanket in your envelope method might do just as good.

Although they spend days in the mail maybe even refrigerating the snips before packaging might help a little.

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If everyone’s fridge temp varies
Do the results vary
What are the min and max ideal temps , for storage ?

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I have been fridging them overnight, or even for a couple days sometimes. Have some white rhino snips in there from February 26th and they still look rootable. Hope that means my temp is good. :wink: