Shipping clones questions

Ok so I have a rainbow sorbet #11 that’s big enough to take clones off if there is any interested people (it’s a purple temp pheno has a mixed fruit skunk smell on the stem rub) but i have no clue on shipping clones… id do a seed run but I’m s.o.l on pollen right now… anyone interested or know how to go about shipping clones?


Hope this helps bud. :call_me_hand:t2:


Sweet thank u😅 I was kinda up in the air on that one most I’ve done with clones is with local people not on og lol


No worries that’s what we’re here for. OG is a place like no other. Best of luck on your cut sending.
The real experts are @Rhino_buddy and @Bobgrows if you need any detailed tips. :pray:t2:


There are a few ways to ship. The envelope method :point_up_2: is one way to ship snips.

We make clone shippers. They work well , too.



Ahh ok that’s more or less what I was thinking that way they had a root plug! Not really the shipping snips part but I guess that is a lot cheaper way if u don’t mind snips


You should check out how @Hoss sends Rooted Clones. Very simple, safe, and they travel smoothly. INDEED, was impressed. Also, eBay sells Single, Three, and/or Six Plant Clone Shippers. sent them Coast-to-Coast for years using them. I still have several somewhere. Where are you located? I may take you up on your offer, but caution you concerning shipping during this “Extreme Heat Wave”. Most avoid the Summer Months, to be honest. With the current USPS Delays, I wouldn’t chance it. GREAT “OG OFFER”, you are to be commended!! Take care, stay safe and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ya I started looking into the clone shipping containers! Figured I’d go that way unless some wants 2 or 3 snips instead of a rooted clone, dipped a couple in clonex last night, but I’m in the USA, Missouri if u want to get technical


Not looking to make anything off them figured I’d pass some out this way instead if people wanted to try it🙂


Snips are very easy to prepare/ship. Maybe holler at one of the “OG Sages”, @JohnnyPotseed, one of the Masters of ALL things Cannabis. I’m in Maine, his Snips/Cuts ALWAYS arrive in excellent condition. With the attention to detail he employs, one will be highly satisfied upon arrival. I’ll be interested in your Genetics come Early Fall. Snips shipped during the Summer months are susceptible to Heat damage. If you are “dead set” on sending Snips/Cuts, I’ll take a chance. Just KNOW the Odds are not favorable this time of year. Mighty OG of you to offer. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Snips go in a CD box

Rooted cuts in plant shipping box like this



here’s the mother plant… i have pics of a super cropped clone ECT ill post later (todays my dad’s bday and I rolled a fatty so ill be on and off) if anyones interested shoot me a dm


If you’re steadfast in your desire to extend Snips or Clones, how much? I’ll defray the Shipping Cost, really not looking for anyone to bear all the cost. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Love these. Great idea.


Check this out. :wink:


I’m here to assert @NDNCHILD’s method works. I got a clone in one, put a clone in and sent it right back!


And I took that clone and made more clones! :grin: @rasterman It’s a little more labor intensive making them yourself but they’re cheap and work well. If you place a freshly rooted clone in the bottom portion with soil and give her a week to spread roots while you make sure she’s clean and healthy for shipping, they’re almost bulletproof! :joy: I think my record was 10 days in the bottle and the recipient grew her out just fine.:+1:t3: Only lost one clone to subzero temps. All others landed secure and only one was eaten by a dog.:joy: But it made the trip fine!
Thanks fellas! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Free RS11 cuts?? That’s awesome stuff right there. It’s a cut I’ve had my eye on to grow out and will probably snag next time I grab clones. Cool ass offer. Good on ya!!


It’s good to see you around Pat. :call_me_hand:t4:
Didnt get to say it to ya the other night before the shutdown. Sorry ya had to walk back into such a shitshow, lol.
How ya been?


Doing well, thanks for asking. Have some plants in veg I’ve lost the excitement for, so kind of a buzzkill, but I did it to myself. I’ll flip them in a week or so. I’ll get some pictures up of them somewhere at some point. How about yourself?