Andrane's Crazy Seed Giveaways!

I can not wait to donate towards a few packs of that Frankenstein…

I didn’t even know the GENETICS involved in this strain until now…and HOLY MOLY!!! WOW, what an unreal combination of strains…I’m already in love:)

And congratulations @LedZeppelin for the win earlier


Congratulations :tada::champagne::confetti_ball::balloon: @LedZeppelin on that win! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::turkey::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Again Thanks @Andrane for a chance at the pack of 5 Feminized Coral Kush F2 beans 🫘, and a special Thanks to you 🫵 at @CADMAN for the RAD limited edition collector card! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::facepunch::clap::sunglasses::turkey::peace_symbol:


Harvested fat bastard today just over 12 wks and wasn’t finishing thrips where holding her back. The smell is skunk funk and lemon when wet trimming! Just put a clone of hers in flower tent! Here’s the cut plant


Nice Giveaways. Many happy returns…
@ Andrane

Any south American genes landraces heirloom ,70s oldfarthipperippers we will grow out six months breeding season to naturalization, as mother nature attended tenderfoot…happy Growing Growers…
OverGrow The World with Green Herbs as we’re…


Haha ! So my shity luck finally turned good ! Thanks to @Johnnypotseed I got my first bean order ! So looks like Frankinstien is coming to my house for Christmas :christmas_tree: !!! Yes this house still calls it Christmas ! And from the sound of it I got them just in time ! Looking forward to sharing the adventures with Franky ! Just to note I ordered the coral kush it just looked to good to pass bye !


Sounds like there may be another wise man


what are people calling now? lol.


Annual Retail Event of your choosing?


awww…it should not be that way though. you don’t really have to buy anything. I’ve been doing it less and less each year. trying to raise my kid to not obsess about it. when i was a kid, i didn’t have anything. so, any chance for a gift was like income. it was critical to game it right or the rest of the year was going to suck.


Here it seem like every time you turn around your offending someone they have been fighting up here in Canada for years to change the name of Christmas to a more all people friendly name !

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Iam not to much about the gift either but you have to play the part for the kids I have been dressing as Santa since I was 19 and I’m 54 now so without Santa I would have to buy my own Christmas booze and that’s no fun I usually get enuff to carry threw the year for regifting lol


do they want to change the name of Ramadan and all the other religions’ holiday names too? Or, is it just to hurt Christians and keep them from having something of their own?

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Its Happy Holidays, so they told me at work

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Were loosing all the values you and I grew up with and changing them to be more for everyone and not the few that are Christian or Catholic . Thing I don’t understand is canada and America were built on emigration . But the new emigrants don’t like what the old ones did so now we have to change !

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The U.S. is 63% or so Christian. Most people in the US are not secular or another religion…not sure what stats you are citing. Maybe in Canada it’s different.

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I have to be careful what I say and how I say it ! But up here I will say this and no more on this subject but as of 2 years ago Christian, catholics are down to 47 %

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I was watching a clip and an Indian fellow from packastan is in Florida running for president and he want to build the wall between canada and the USA. Now Canadians are worried Trump don’t like us no more either !


No…no I’m not. :grin:

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Hahah lol !!!

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There are 15 religious holidays in the month of December. When somebody says “Happy Holidays” they are wishing you a happy whatever holiday you celebrate because it’s not easy to know what religion somebody may practice, no matter how they look.