Any HLVD experts in here?

As I have said, the only way to be positive is testing. When hlvd pops and its no longer latent your plants are smoked its over. it’s not worth it if you have doubts.

HLVD was brought into a facility I worked at and these symptoms are the reason we tested for it, i’m the reason we were able to isolate and remove it from the facility.

Do I know what he does to his plants no, Do I know the symptoms of HLVD yes I do. If you have ever flowered out a plant with hlvd you would advise to toss it rather than spend 250-400 to get it tested.

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If infected that joint usually pops right off.

The problem with hlvd is you can grow 100’s or 1000’s of clones of an infected mother plant and not see it. Once the viroid is no longer latent it starts showing up as deficiencies then changes growth patterns. It would be really cool if testing was $25 a plant but you don’t have to do 10 tests.

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Definitely want to test, looks fairly suspicious

Like i was saying, 100% these soil plants are feed with hydroponics nutrients, so definitely not right nutrients, im aware of that, that plant is literally grown for the purpose of ripping branches off of it though, it will either never see flowering or ill let a buddy flower it when im done hacking at it. They are 4’ tall mothers at this point. To tall to flower indoors at my place.

After being shown photos from a fellow grower of his HLVD and knowing i lost entire branches to this off the last flowering. And his plants looked identical to mine :frowning: I do not believe there will be any need for testing. Only question is if a scissors was shared does it guarantee the virus was transmitted?

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I can’t say anything is guaranteed but sharing scissors is theorized as one of the main ways to transmit it.

Supposedly that stuff can be transferred to seed, pollen, and dried flower. Man, I would be pissed if I got a plant infected from buying dispensary bud in-between runs. Here’s an interesting video on it.

They mention bleach and enzymes like RNase III are effective. Do products like SLF-100 have RNase III?


This explains the cutting going slow too. Never even thought of that. Cause at one point i was like why are these branches just randomly dying and breaking and falling off in flower.

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Had to order a minimum of 5 but at 80$ thats a lot less than the 250$ i found, so I ordered the 5 pack. I will use a couple on the lateral branching clones and both mothers and i will post the results for others. As this is a cheap alternative to be sure.


Send in a root sample. Branches can give false negatives sometimes.

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Another good measure to take in a pinch if nothing else is available… wash and dry your scissors then use a lighter to heat up your scissors before you move to a new plant for use. Obviously, a fresh clean pair that was sanitized is a better option. But If nothing else is available it is a better to sanitize with heat than risk contamination. You don’t need to go crazy. Just get it nice and warm to the touch. Cheers !!!

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The test says it can sample roots, i was panning on root trimming and testing those with the tests.

Edit test says i have to send them the roots.

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I saw this recently. The part of the clip of people using ISO To keep scissors prepped at larger facilities is very telling. Cheers …


Ok not to go way off topic but can pot handle thiophanate methyl or hear me out maybe im crazy, but with all my hydro back and for. And fusarium can grow in soil. And the lock out it cause. Looks like calmag deficiency but the root damage causes necrosis ect. So may similar looking traits? Does fusarium cause lateral braching in a clone, how mich study is there on the effects of this fungus on weed. Been going down virus rabbit holes. Question is can pot handle thiophanate-methyl? Clearly not orgat this point but but one could save a strain if need be.

Edit high no proof reading ill fix later


You could definitely be right, but root rot could be your basic cause and the effects could be all over the place as the roots stopped general uptake of all nutrients, etc. Cheers !!!

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I’m curious about how other diseases symptoms can look too because I have a mom plant with stem rot and half the stem died off and has had a couple sideways bottom branches and other weird things.

It always kicks into gear and delivers during flower however. I’ve never taken in clones and I only grow from seed.

But it does freak me out. I’m trying to clone it out and rotate a healthier mom. I don’t wanna lose it because it’s the terpiest plant I’ve found so far.

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Anyone who might be interested i sent the 4 samples i took into 3r earlier this week, they emailed me last night as we have had a few emails back and forth. I should have the results today. 3R biotech has been affordable and great to work with. Test were easy to do and had good instructions.

I will post the results tonight if i get them.