My 1st elite clone to grow- GMO

So just posting the last 3 weeks of my gmo clone.
What could I have done differently to ensure healthy leaves through out the growth cycle?
I was told GMO is a heavy feeder and I thought I put enough goodies in my soil but is the plant saying she is still hungry?? Or does all look good with this little plant?
I had no more room in my veg tent and I got two gmo clones- so I ended up putting one into the flower tent and left the other to veg out to eventually make more clones and to get some size.

Otherwise I gotta admit these are the smelliest and frostiest little flowers I ever grown. I truly see what is meant now by if you grow a plant with good genetics you could end up with a nice end product.
Just for kicks, I pollinated the lower 4 or 5 buds with some Vietnam Bomb by swami seeds and seems like flowers accepted the pollen.


brrrr looks frosty there

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Mine does the came thing. I run coco so I chalked up to that and feed cal-mag. t slowed the fade down but it didn’t ever stop completely. Really interested to here from others.


GMO takes like at least 10 weeks. Some people run it past 11.

Yes it does look like it could take quite a bit more food.

More light, more food, more buds.

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I’m on week 8-1/2 day 53
Should I give one more feeding? I’m planning to take this plant to the full 11 weeks.
Light situation I’m sort of limited. The one I was using went out on me- gets very hot quickly and then goes into some sort of thermal overload low light state and as a result two plants have hermed on me. So far it don’t look like the GMO was affected.
I need to go out n buy an extension cord so I can lower my light that I’m using.
In case your curious of the light situation-
I have a California Lightworks solar xtreme 500 and 250. The 500 is what gave out on me, shipping out tomorrow for warranty service a week and half later from the outage. Hoping it ain’t an arm n a leg in shipping cost.
Rant almost done. Maybe don’t get California Lightworks. 3 year warranty, will only pay shipping both ways 1st year of warranty. After that shipping is on customer. They ship back at their cost(rightfully so). Im just 4 months out of the free shipping and asked for leniency being that Some of my plants are herming on me. Step up the customer service please.
Response was: don’t got time for this, ship your light for warranty service.
Rant done.
Might have one hell of a paper weight here. :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


I have no experience with CLW unfortunately but people overall seem to like their products. Couldn’t say one way or the other but I use HID lighting.

I’d absolutely give another feeding, lower N if you can since it’s later flower. PK shouldn’t be too hard in late flower…not sure as I’m not in organics. I’d use a nip of monopotassium phosphate ideally, potassium nitrate, and or potassium sulfate. Or whatever organic equivalent. Problem is organic stuff isn’t readily available and/or takes time to become available. Bone meal maybe? Not sure, organics not my forte.

Potassium phosphate is pennies per ounce…a teaspoon in a gallon of water is a normal dosage. 10 cents worth.


Looks good aside from your light being a little strong for em, could be causing a bit of your yellowing too cause I’m not really seeing any deficiencies, but if you look close you’ve got tan lines where high leaves shaded lower ones indicating you’re cooking em a bit


I’d probably do a little more research on that cultivar because everything I’ve heard about says more than 12 weeks to get her right. Heavy heavy feeder. But will reward you with some heavy and smelly flowers. I had a chance but turned it down due to flower time. Don’t know that I’d be so afraid now after smoking some.
Good luck :green_heart:

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Hmmm :thinking: guess I need to do my research, because I’m told I need more light but you tell me too much light.
But let me back up, since 2 days ago I put the plant on top of a crate to decrease distance from the light.
She was like 22” inches away and is now 11” away.


I really feel like it’s different for every plant.

I built my buddy a 1020 true watt LED and he had it maxed out height wise in his basement, multiple feet away from the canopy, STILL frying leaves like you’re seeing. Shaded areas still green, that funky hue of purple that I’m starting to associate with light burn. As you can see he’s got 3 panels turned off to knock off around 400 watts of power (depending on what he turned off)

Here’s a photo of full power burn, you may recognize the same kind of coloring further towards the top of the one plant and similar yellowing to yours (though my buddy isn’t the best grower so yellow could 100% be nutes with him)

If/when you do figure out the problem could you check back and let us know so I can update the database in the old noggin?

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Well not to complicate matters but i May be along the same class as your buddy. :blush::grimacing:
I’m still fairly new to growing and understanding the complexities of this plant.
Really so simple to grow until your plant starts showing signs of needing help.
Learning and growing each day with my plants.
Will let you know if I see any improvements over the next weeks.
I looked up growing gmo and most places list the plant taking up to 11 weeks.
So I contacted to guy who gave me this clone and said 12 weeks is the sweet spot with this one. :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging:



Nothing about this picture suggests too much light, quite the opposite. Underfed and not nearly enough light. I’ve seen pictures of GMO that have foot long buds. Excessive light causes bleaching and upturned leaves.


This right here! Looks depleted of nutrition.

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Let me clarify everything that may give better perspective

The pot is only a 1 gal
Roots organics soil
Top dress with 3 tbsp Natures Living soil concentrate and 1 tbsp roots organics uprising bloom
Reason I put on top of a crate is because all plants are at different heights.
Pic of lower buds have seeds being created in them.

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A snapshot of a lower nug and the main top. Last week of growing and chop will be at week 12.


I wouldn’t call that an elite clone. Not to be rude just being honest. It is frosty though :+1:t2:

Looks more like a strainly GMO cut :laughing:
Where did you get your gmo from?

A friend donated it to me and his source was from CO.
Hope you’re not a disguised hater… either way :laughing:

Sorry if it’s too outdated for a select few. Didn’t know the the word elite would pepper your pudding.


2 more days to go and chopping at week 12
Really looking forward to smoking some of this lady…


Pretty sure people are just curious what makes it an “elite” anything vs what anyone else has… Could’ve just put “growing some SICK GMO that’s almost done” and avoided the whole thing but YOU specifically made people ask questions by what you wrote.

It’s not fair to get mad at others for what you have done.

Fire looking weed though, hope it gets you high as giraffe pussy and is everything you want it to be buddy