Hop Latent Viroid – HpLVd

im not sure there are any topics on this here so i thought it would be helpful to start a thread on it. this is going to be a ongoing problem with cannabis moving forward due to the rate people are sharing clones now. i know people out there have it. i bet some people may not even be aware they have it. i know recently, @vernal discovered it in his garden.

The only remedy seems to be meristem tissue culture but with the cost of it, its not a viable option for most people. I think identification is the most important thing to help stop the spread. i just learned recently that there is a lab out there that does testing for a very reasonable price. they also offer testing for may other diseases / viruses. heres the link if anyone is interested. it is my understanding that you dont have to be a california resident to submit samples. there is a $70 registration fee and each sample is $25 to be tested.


Thought this was interesting. They were not saying that good soil biology got rid of HpLVd, but rather made it so the plant was asymptomatic.


What does it look like? Got any pictures?


I heard that discussion before, lots of good info. that was my experience as well. ive had 2 plants in the past that in hindsight, im sure they had it. i just wish i had known about it and testing was that affordable so i could had confirmed or ruled it out. both of those plants i put in a no till situation and gave them lots of supplementals , kelp, alfalfa , aloe, fulvic acid, coconut, malted barley and LOTS of beneficial bacteria because i thought i may have had a root pathogen. i also had pest pressures and leaned towards it being that

i could make the plants healthy looking like nothing was wrong with them but the moment i slacked off on adding those products, the plants would start getting shitty. i tossed them eventually but im wondering if anything i have now has it but i dont see symptoms. im planning on testing my whole mother collection in the coming weeks


i dont have any pictures but you can get a range of symptoms from lack of vigor, smaller than normal leaves, brittle stems and stems that grow more lateral than vertical. in flower you will see a big decrease in resin production and a big loss in smell .


Hmmm thats very reasonable for $25/sample.

Vernal scared me now too lol. Think Im gonna have to save some cash and get a bunch tested just to be safe


It’s going to be a big thing going forward. Tested virus free clones are going to be almost a necessity in the future. I’m just some small time dude, there’s guys out there with 100 mothers in the library.

In some ways it’s less worrisome for cash croppers, just kill affected plants and keep around the stuff that is either resistant or asymptomatic. If you make seeds though, as I do, it’s scarier, since asymptomatic plants can make infected seed (potentially).

It seems to effect certain branches more than others. Particularly ones that were bent/tied/crushed more than others. Stress seems to bring it out in infected plants.


i am spraying my plants with ClO2 at the right ppm, it kills virus, bacterias, fungus and will provide the plant with O2, you can also water them with it, another product that helps is ionised water HCOL.


That hplvd is no joke, took a while to figure out what was wrong with yields and horizontal growth. How did it CI02 work? does it kill it or bandage it?

I thinks it’s bullshit.

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Where would someone obtain an hpLVd positive clone? For research purposes that is.

how does my plant get that viroid im trying to prevent this from reaching my grow

That is awesome thanks for sharing this. :sunglasses: :peace_symbol: Jezuz edit I did not realize this thread was 3 years old.

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