Any strain good for neuroplasticity

thanks yeah im sure i will i just got to stop getting hooked on just one strain
i love flavors that are sweet fruity so i sometimes stick to choices i know for tast instead of going in the dark and test the unknown


Even just recreationally I have a bitch of a time finding a strain that does it right for me.


I make a lot of gummies with oil and extract. I like to have at least 9-10 strains on hand that I know work for me. I use a strain one day and don’t use it again for another 7-9 days. I use another. I keep jumping strains. Keeps my tolerance guessing. Key is having 9-10 strains that you love and work for you. You have to guinea pig yourself. Its the only way.
I find a lot of kush’s work for me.
Blackberry Kush
Bubba Kush
Blackberry Fire
Purple Hindu Kush
Anything with GSC in it.


So you ever mix strains in individual gummies? Just for my curiousity?

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Yep, all the time. Key is having a lot strains. I also vap a couple strains at the same time. My allergies can’t handle smoking very much anymore. Gummies and Vap is my daily.


My needs are different but I tend to find one and then use it till it’s gone.

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I’m doing that with PHK right now. Gummies and Vap. I love the shit out of it. Why I’m growing two Purple Queens this outdoor.


I’ve been using RSO to help rehab my shoulders and back. Poor posture and muscle imbalances basically led to some sort of impingement or thoracic outlet syndrome and some spasms in my mid upper back. The first time I tried the RSO it felt like my muscles were twitching all over my body, and the relaxing effect lasted through the entire next day. Incredible for pain relief and helping to reduce tension. Combined with some strengthening and stretching exercises I’m making some progress towards correcting the posture and relieving the symptoms. I would recommend RSO to anyone trying to reduce stress and aid in recovery of an injury from what I’ve been experiencing. Definitely combine and stack with other approaches though. Maybe something like lion’s mane mushroom extract or even microdosed psychedelics. And of course if it’s a physical injury, address whatever caused the issue to begin with.

Having taken opioids and opioid combinations in the past (dilaudid + Benadryl, morphine, Tylenol 3) in the hospital, RSO actually rivals those substances in the state it put me in, but without the weird cotton ears and addictive sensations (no urge to take more, and when taken once a week or every other week no rolloff in effectiveness). I’ve been really happy with the effects, and it’s a good thing since it takes a bit of effort to make the stuff. Totally worth it though IMO.


rso but what strain you used for your tick simpsons oil? the strain impacts effects

There was a preclinical animal study specifically targeting Parkinson Disease which is a neurodegenerative motor disorder:

These are a few cherry-picked paragraphs for a brief description:

Cannabis-derived phytocannabinoids (CDCs) and resveratrol (RSV) may be useful neuroprotective agents for PD due to their anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties.

Resveratrol (RSV) is a natural stilbene present in several dietary foodstuffs including berries and grapes, as well as red wine, for which consumption of RSV is associated with a number of purported health benefits [27,35,36]. RSV is also a component of the herbaceous root Polygonum Cuspidatum , used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine, with recorded anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects [37].

CBD, THC, THCV, and RSV are polyphenols and therefore may provide useful neuroprotective activity due to their antioxidant free radical scavenging ability.

There is a lot of detail to the study you can check out but the conclusion to the study was this:

Collectively, in vivo rodent studies have demonstrated that these natural compounds are efficacious in their neuroprotection of PD and produced symptomatic benefits. However, there remains a need to expand these studies to more chronic models and ones able to better reproduce motor and non-motor symptoms of PD, and for additional studies that consider the benefits of formulations and derivatives of neuroprotective agents with improved bioavailability. Ultimately, further human clinical trials are required to consider the usefulness of neuroprotective agents for patients with early stage or early onset PD.

There are of course limitations to the study which they do outline in detail. As others have already suggested, an RSO seems like a great path to try. I’d personally try to include a blend of plants that offer as many of the minor cannabinoids as possible and not focus soley on high THC. I’d also decarb half and leave the other half raw for a real full spectrum blend.

100% agree!


thanks this is really helpful i apreciate how you lsid it out


I also like to keep in mind that cannabis is only a single element in a holistic approach. If sleep/stress/diet are out of whack then the RSO might not be able to shine through with it’s potential benefits as one might hope.


Watch the 3part series here of a South Dakota man with Parkinson’s and the unbelievable immediate effect cannabis has on his condition:

It’s old but good. I knew him and his wife pretty well. Great people.



I have actually seen that but it was quite a while ago and I had forgotten all about it so thanks you for posting that here! Really amazing to see it firsthand on how well it can work for someone like that :heart:


Definitely. There’s never a silver bullet and if sleep exercise and diet aren’t right you’re kinda fighting fire with a squirt gun.


The papers I’ve looked at were pointing mostly at CBD as a neuroprotectant.
Some reference in vitro (I regard those as directional hints) & some in vivo (probably more actionable). It’s really ‘early days’ yet as research is just getting rolling.



really love that idea of using half decerb and half non decarbed weed. something i never would have thought to do… thanks for that

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And like @Gpaw said, CBD for sure:


I just watched all 3 parts, incredible.

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I would recommend looking into CBD dominant strains for anything to do with neurological benefits but if you were to create your own RSO or tincture you could use a mixed CBD:THC amount or mix a CBD dominant plant with a THC dominant plant! If we look at the terpene wheel we can find that strains high in Alpha and Beta Pinene have medicinal value as being antiseptic and the potential to help asthma but holds the effects of alertness and memory attention so you could try strains like Jack Herer, AK47, Blue Dream etc. I like strains high in Humulene and Limonene though. You might just want to experiment with the whole spectrum of terpenes, and even the timing of when you take them.

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