Anybody here produce music?

Aye man it’s a free download. Record it let me hear it

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Try bitwig, you might enjoy it.


I’ve been good, just taking care of my grandmother. For me, not much has really changed over the past year. Met some really great people here though.


I cant record it. The lyrics literally say I ain’t got a mic yet so talking about rodes lmao :joy: I reckon I could write a track to that though. Where are you in the world bro?

I did see your posts. Have to wait 21 hours to reply so I guess we will pick this chat up tomorrow guys. @Thats_bank I’m Manchester, England me bro


Serum is good inside of ableton for making synth stuff.


Man these kids nowadays record on their phone using a app called band lab it sounds horrible but it’s an option :joy: I’m in Va also


I used to dabble with FL studio in my 20’s…

Used to make loops for a buddy that was making his own video game. We never did end up finishing that shit. :laughing: Still got the FL studio sitting on my PC and just updated it the other day for nothing really. Was going to mess around in there and completely forgot most of what I knew lol

Used to use a focusrite Scarlett 2i2 with my Arturia synth I picked up back in the day. Nothing fancy but it got the job done.

Here it sits along with another relic that never gets opened any more :laughing:


I got rid of my scarlet for this new piece of shit that had good marketing behind it :joy::joy: I shoulda just got a universal audio arrow or something


If you are just starting out, Audacity is a full featured multitrack recording software suite. It’s been around a long time, and best of all, it’s free


Can’t beat free…I mean unless we’re talking pirated :joy: I definitely pirated my FL studio until 2020


Ha. Not condoning it, but pro audio software is heavily pirated and easily available :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yea I still dabble in the VSTs when I’m curious but all my DAWs are finally paid for :joy:


I used to collect synths, especially the unique ones that are a real pain to program.

Personally I find this way easier to program and automate.


I’m not that deep yet lol


It’s like riding a bike FL studio. Once you’re back on it it will all come back :joy: I remember playing with unity a while back and taking the topography of my local area from google maps to make a height map. It was pretty cool but lost interest after that.

I had a look at the scarlett a few years back and looked decent with the preamp and stuff.

The new piece of shit cant be referring to the rode surely?

I’m not exactly just starting out. It’s more of a return after a couple years break. Just cos I been at it a while doesn’t mean I’m good though :joy: VPN loaded on the phone. Utorrent installed and FL downloaded the old fashioned way :joy: my laptop should be here in 3-7 days apparently and a pair of edifier speakers too. Will need to upgrade the ram from 8 to 16gb but it’s a decent starting point with an i5. Literally all icould afford

I don’t condone taxes either but they sure af happen my dude :joy:

I will probably be getting serum and massive for starters as I’ve used them before so have a fair idea. But welcome to options of others :100:

That sounds like my kinda fuckery. Imagine if we all took a role in making a beat. The folks commenting here. So one person on the drums. Another on melody. Another on bass. Even some guitar recorded and sent over. Would be a madness.

Theres still time.

Had to wait many years to reply. Well 21 hours anyway


Years ago i used to have Cubase and Reason.

These days me and my girlfriend only use latest Fruity Loops… (she says fk cubase)

New FL is bad ass, and tutorials give you a nice bass.

However with the invention of life fiber optics making music is very … different. Its for the soul mostly

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I used Logic 5.5.1 the last version for windows and i have a heap of vsts, it must be 20 years old now im not even sure what version locis is on now but its only for apple. Ive not made a track for around 6 years i used to love it and had loads of partly done trax all stuck in the first 4 bars as i found it takes sooooo long to produce it properly lol If anyone has a good DAW they wouldnt mind sharing i would defo swap all my vsts i would give them out anyway . Peace. :facepunch


Bro. Let me bell you I’ll guide you

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I use Ableton, Maschine, Reason, and Serato Studio
Mostly hip hop and r&b.


I use logic pro x daw with focusrite interface. Akai midi keyboard. I mic my guitar amps with sm57 and Sennheiser e609. Sounds great!

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