Anyone cloned an actual tree?

:joy: :axe:

Sounds like a rom-com sub-plot…

So every year he drops a truckload of leaves at his ex’s front door. :maple_leaf: :derelict_house:


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The Japanese Maple in original post has started to show fresh bud tips, we have had a few nice days into the high 50’s and 60’s the past month. Looking fwd to making some progress with this…

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Good luck!!! I was fortunate enough to get back to my home town last fall, and saw the Japanese Maple that my Grandfather and I planted 50 years ago, it is an absolute beast and stunning in the fall!!!


I am making a clone of a orange tree, it is one week old now and I hope clonex worked as expected so in one week I can see some roots.

Just trying that, I have this old orange tree rhat has very nice oranges and I want to give her daugter to my father.

As I was making some special queen clones, I went outsida and took a small branch just like I would do with cannabis.

I hope she hold on.


But…can you smoke it

I supose, but orange trees is where oranges come from, and the main propose is to keep and spread a orange tree with juicy sweet oranges on another place, it’s about overgrow. :sweat_smile:

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I decided to make it easy on myself and follow the educated input here… these just arrived.

Spring has sprung and the leaves are starting to fill the Japanese Maples. Ordered the 2" diameter pods, will be using medium from my raised beds for peppers. Mushroom soil mixed with my roots organic rootballs.

I’ll be doing the red Maples, neighbor has a tree he calls a purple haze… yeah, I dunno. But the Mrs wants one so… the Mrs gets it.

Wish me luck… I’ll drop a few pics along the way. Thanks again for the guidance.


Nice! I just realized that plastic egg cartons could approximate these rigs for air layering. I’d like to try this on some hazelnut.



The “plastic egg” portion of your post gave me this…

My elderly neighbor across the street hangs those plastic easter eggs that open in halves… she uses fishing line and hangs them off the branches of a certain tree every easter.

Every year the wind blows half a dozen over to my place, i usually grab them and return them when i am on the riding mower.

Drill a few holes in those… could work. Maybe add a band around them to hold together.

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Old soft drink bottles work great and they free.
Just use a secateur to cut through the hard lid section,down one side and include a little hole down bottom roughly the size of the branch you’ll be doing.

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Very interesting, everytime I try this with hardwood cuttings, I get mold before roots.

8 pods on the Bloodred Maple trees, 2 on a Purple Haze, 1 on a Pink Magnolia and 1 left for a dogwood off in the woods next to the house.

Hope most root. Some of the neighbors think I lost my mind… but that’s nothing new.


Saving cuttings for next year…

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Very cool @PhilCuisine. I used to do the same.
Love figs and fig trees.