Anyone ever used this?

There’s plenty of natural dish soaps that have plant based ingredients/surfactants, guessing that’s why someone said baby shampoo because I’d expect them to be more likely to be free of any harsh chemicals. Either way you’re spraying a chemical to reverse the plants so even if you used a drop of dawn I don’t see the harm.
Or just use nothing. I’m sure plenty of people do reversals without it.
I’d suggest one of those fine mist “hair care” spray bottles for any foliar anything though, they work fantastic at making a fine mist that’s quickly absorbed when I do nutrient foliar sprays


IIRC Canna Cure has a natural surfactant in it. Might be worth a try.


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10 bux for 8oz of liquid is a ripoff imo. Yucca powder on ebay or organic soap works fine too.
Damn i just checked ebay its been a few years sorry.

You can even use things like quinoa. Grab a mason jar or cup, toss in a big handful of raw quinoa. Let it sit for half a day or so before you’re ready to spray and then stir the living shit out of it. The natural saponins on the quinoa will make you a nice saponin water and you can mix it with anything you want to spray

Quinoa is cheap as hell, and it works really well for what it is.


I can absolutely attest to using dish soap as a surfactant. I personally opt for the “free & clear” stuff, still $1-2 for a small bottle. Literally 1-3 drops per gallon. I’ve used it in the yard/dry spots in the grass that get hydrophobic. I’ve had pots of coco get too dry & hydrophobic, i give em a flush with the soap water then fertigate as usual.


Ive been using this honest brand by that actress chick no burns smells good organic fat based or something


You mean Lume?

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who? Jessica Albas company
Old bottle

I use yucca root extract, it doesn’t hurt the plant as far as I know.

I bet it hurts the yucca. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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ROFLMAO ok that was a good one brother.

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