Wetting oils: PureCrop1 vs SuffOil-X

Has anyone tried either or both products? I came across PC1 by recommendation, but when I asked another grower about it, they said it was half decent general purpose “Big Ag” pest product, and that SuffOil-X is the same but substantially cheaper (maybe 50% cheaper.)

It’s my understanding these are processed soy or other oils that have slightly different properties. As “wetting agents,” they help spread entirely across leaf surfaces. It can suffocate bugs or distribute something like neem more efficiently. For the most part, they are not considered toxic and don’t leave any serious residues or show up in bud testing.

Is this stuff worth it? Does it require any special application or strategies?

P.S. I don’t know a whole lot about pesticides and IPM strategies, but i’ve seen different horticultural oils show up. These products (PC1, SO-X) seem a little different than the essential oils or soaps.


One is made with soybean oil. One is made with mineral oil! Both are suuper cheap to make but also they work pree damn good


Is there a way to “make” it at home if its cheap? 50 bucks a gallon is really, uh… something if soy oil costs maybe 5$/gal.


You just need the oil and a surfactant like silica or soapnuts. I usualy mix 1:1 surfactant to oil. Then into warm water. I use neem, karanja, jojoba and hemp oils like this. 15ml per gal


I made my own following these instructions.


I’m not sure about PC1’s marketing stuff about nanotechnology and al that, but I will say that it mixes and covers unlike any other oil I have used.

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Myself, when I make up a medium drench with garlic bulbs, I use spent fish frying oil, and some detergent. last batch I use some TPS as it has potassium.
It works excellent, cheap as hell. It does not take much to coat their wee bodies.
My next batch I’ll add some cayenne pepper also.

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You don’t tell your friends about that though, right? Spicy garlic fishweed sounds special.


Why would I not tell them?
When a breeder creates a strain called spicy garlic fishweed you may get to taste that. I never have.
My buds taste exactly as they breed them.
It kills everything I want dead in my medium, and cost’s pennies to make.
My plants grow just fine with it, and get buggy with out it.
I did buy some nematodes a while back. Worked great, but 5 million cost me $40.00 so I’m going back to garlic/oil/detergent as a regular bug fighting regime, as it works so well.

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I’ve used Suffoil-x for clone intake and it works fine. It’s based on sulfur.

But if you’re just looking for a wetting agent, dish soap is much cheaper. Or use Dr. Bronners.

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I use stylet


Any food grade mineral oil works for me.

I have heard good things about stylet oil too, but have not tried it .

Stylet oil is perfectly acceptable while suffoil is the industry standard. PC1 is way overpriced for what it is… oil.

Here is a formula for a homemade green cleaner:

I like pure crop 1 because it makes the plants healthier but in terms of pests I once used it for spider mites and russets and it wasn’t as effective as sulfur (for russets) and jms ( for spider mites). Never tried suffoil.

If you’re only looking for a wetting agent, yucca powder is a good one. Has additional benefits as well. Good for non-soil grows.

I was told no stylet in flower. That should be confirmed as I have no personal experience.