Yucca Extract/ wetting agent upsetting stomata?

I recently purchased some yucca Extract for the water only soil that I use I haven’t yet used it for the living water only soil but I did use it for another plant that in flower and afterwards it stopped taking up water and got super skinny stems and very sad looking fan leaves that got burned from the LED grow light I couldn’t figure out what was going on with it until I read an article about how it can upset the stomata and then it will cease to transpire or whatever and stems get very hard woody and crispy leaves and all growth stopped and I was just going in to week 3 so it is not an ideal situation. Anyone else have any thoughts about this issue or something else you have had similar problems with? Comments thoughts are welcome…


Saponins are supposed to have some useful antipest effect, but I hadn’t heard they were particularly harmful to plants. Are you sure you dont have anything else going on? Could be your concentration is simply too high.

I use potassium fatty acids for a wetting agent, maybe you would have more luck with that.

EDIT: try applying your saponin spray at lights off. Sometimes water beads can lens LED lights especially and cause spotty burns. If you spray when lights are off its less likely to be a problem.


I add this to nearly ALL my nute mixes and have never come across what you are describing from doing so. :man_shrugging:

I’ve never used it as a foliar spray yet though… which in itself is kinda funny as I think about it while typing this. :rofl:


What kind of yucca Extract do you use?

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I believe i over applied it, also read that it will attach to the charged ions or maybe it’s ammonia that I’m thinking of

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I use Foxfarm Bushdoctor Sledgehammer. Never as a foliar. Just a rinse.
SledgeHammer® is a unique rinse formula designed to remove fertilizer buildup which may relieve nutrient lockout. Derived from saponin, an extract of the Yucca schidigera plant. SledgeHammer® is designed for organic gardening and can be used for both hydroponic and soil applications.


I add very little yucca to feed
I give surface a rack /stir to create bubbles
If bubbles don’t stay
I add abit more and stir again

I keep doin this till bubbles just about stay

That is the sign I use that tells me water tension in feed now broke and ready to use without worry of going overboard on the yucca
: )


Such a wealth of knowledge @ifish i really appreciate you and all you do for so many on here. You always come through to help regardless and I x any say enough how great it is to have you as a friend


We’re all in this togeather : )

@TopShelfTrees1 i have more friends here than I have outside lol zero outside haha

I choose growing over friends : )
Friends talk and we’re I come from that’s a No no if you want to grow safely

Without you guys on here and og , I’d be lost : )


I second that one :point_up::sunglasses::+1::v:


This very good advice. @ifish
Yucca is a soap and should not disrupt the stoma or cuticle.
Sounds like bad advice.
Maybe ask the person who told you this why he/she thinks it would happen.
I see no reason for it, but I don’t know everything.


I used Nectar for the gods.


I was just pouring in whatever, it says 1oz per gallon I believe

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Now you know better : ) never listen to the bottle : )
Doesn’t need to be added every feed also just incase it implies that too

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I hear that is good also. :100:

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I use powder, it stays fresh longer and you don’t have to pay to ship water so it is cheaper too.
RAW Yucca Extract Yucca Schidigera Saponin Powder Wet Betty soluble powder | eBay


@ifish hey bro
Which yucca extract do you use? Also do you prefer the dry powder or the liquid version?

If your USA , raw I think is the one to go with ( powder )

: )


Thanks man!


All yucca extract works powder or liquid

Comes down to convinience and price compare to concentration

Generally like @shag said above , usually powder cheeper when comparing price to concentration ( value for money )