Anyone got any auto pollen to trade?

Hey guys, Normally I wouldn’t ask but I unfortunately lost my auto pollen this year, had it drying in a paper bag in the kitchen and it got thrown out not by me🤬. I have some from last year but honestly it looks a little dark and I can’t trust it. I can trade seeds or I have some photo pollen from a few males from this year. If anyone can help out I’d really appreciate it. I thought about popping some more seeds and stressing them hard so they flower quickly but it would be cutting it super close. I still may do that but I figured I’d step out of my comfort zone and ask for help.

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All I have is sweet and sour Cindy pollen but if my auto pollen comes in :wink: or if my autos ever decide to put off sacks I’ll throw some to u, how fast r u looking to pollinate?


Right on man, I got a couple weeks most likely. If you get some from your auto’s I’ll make it worth your while… Much appreciated.


U can ask @darkillusion last I seen he had some auto pollen (sts) not sure if ur aiming for fems or regs


Yeah, looking for regs in this particular case. Good looking out though


I have some blueberry, not confirmed viable since stored, but I can potentially send you some right after I find out if the stored stuff works. It’s recent, should be good. I don’t have a ton, but should be able to get you enough to make beans next week.

It’s from one of the better boys, growth, size, vigor wise, I’ve come across in the hundreds of these I’ve gone through.

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Thatd be awesome @Acro , I’d definitely trade ya. I have some dj short blueberry photo pollen or a few others from bohdi and jaws or I have seeds

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I’ve got some chem candy(chem91 x chemdogging) auto reg pollen if you’re interested. It’s been dried and stored in separate vacuum vials in the freezer. I’ve used it to make a bunch of crosses and it worked really well.

This is from the OP, it’s a mix of the two males


Yeah man, definitely interested. So grateful for you guys. I was devastated and this will save my breeding program. I will dm you.


All good man it happens :crazy_face:

I think I have in the freezer still some auto pollen purchased in 2022 from matt@stealtheseseeds website.
He said :
"fat singer# is 4 assed monkey × double grape

Im new to all this and don’t know how it works, I’d be interested in a couple offspring of what you’d dust it with.

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