Anyone have Raw STS supplies?

Anytime bud! Just shoot me your addy as I don’t wanna assume I still have the right one :sweat_smile:

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LOL, @DannyTerpintine , you should have just asked me brother.


I really should have :sweat_smile: :pray: … I recall asking someone before but literally don’t remember who and they weren’t comfortable shipping chemicals. Then I was too stoned to remember who that was and didn’t want to be a bother again lol.

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I bought your STS supplies when you shut down my friend. Still got them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hell, I shipped pre-made stock solution over the border to TST.


ohhh that’s who they went to lol. That was a life time supply LOL. I’ll get another jug like that one day! :pray:


Yeah, there’s enough for 40 or so batches in there.


wanna help a brother down south out too lol. Ive never sts. would love to try reversing strains.
I can trade beans for the STS if you would be down , lemme know :slight_smile:

Hey brother im curious about STS as well. think you could help another growmie out? I can give ya a couple of strains for the trouble <3

You’re in the US, right?

I’ll give ya some. :wink:


:c yes im in the us :smiley:

im sitting on just about every scarlet cross under the sun because of you and a couple others on here haha .

the Idea of making fems sounds awesome. although im all for breeding and plan to do that too.

I think the number one thing holding me back right now is soil and humidity haha.

But If you’ve been following my thread I do have some strains growing ! Three more should join the party soon as they have nice tap roots.

Id be super grateful haha , as Id love to be able to giveaway beans :stuck_out_tongue:

As long as I dont harm the plants lmao Id probably STS just about everything I grow so I can get some fems from every strain.

Now I got to wonder. Can you hit a few branchs with pollen… and a few with STS?

I’d have to wonder myself. Don’t see why not!

Shoot me a PM sometime.
I’m still planning our Rudie project.
Don’t think I forgot :wink:

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Isnt this a PM LOL.

but yeah I guess ill hand over the addie.

Let me know if you want any beans. I have some of rain todays stuff id be super willing to send.

Wood rose remedy - Humboldt heirloom x Grapefruit . and two homegrown pineapple strains haha.

all some of the hoku stuff id be willing to make a puck of.

I just dont want it to be a one sided trade as the STS is a little pricier

Its like $11 of shipping my friend.
Nothing at all. Especially if the repro is successful.

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Oh for sure man <3

hoping to repro this kullu valley landrace :slight_smile:

Cake fighter would be cool too. its a type 1 crossed with a cbd made by great lakes

Many STS’s will come as long as I have enough lol

The goal for this year is at LEAST 3 complete seed to harvest grows lol

How soon we forget…I told y’all about “Long Haired Karl”!!! Y’all need to pay attention :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


If u want to save the 11.00 and buy some stamps with it. I can try to send some to @BeTheLight in dry form, so it will be only 1 forever stamp.
i will send him for this formula so he can make 600ml or 1000ml

STS Mixing questions - #22 by Trickster

.05 g silver nitrate, mixed in 50 ml distilled water- part A. .39 g sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate


Let me Know @BeTheLight @blowdout2269


Let me Know @BeTheLight @blowdout2269

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