Anyone Seen a Male Hermi?

When a female plant is stressed Into pollinating itself you typically get mostly fem plants with a few Herm traits that pop up. A true hermaphrodite is slightly different and science is still struggling to understand all of it. They do studies but each specific plant has it’s own pathways and controls of them. It would be hard to find another plant that is as widely used as cannabis that also has such limited research behind it. I wouldn’t doubt we know more about the moon then we do plants.


I’m guessing there is even less research on males; only the pollen would be passed on and not the pistols in the case of stressed herms. Got me thinking anyway =)


It’s way easier to just not mess with Herm genetics when there are so many great strains available now a days. Do the work get proper males and females if you want seeds and then you don’t have to ponder so many what ifs.


Doing things the way they’ve always been done is a sure way to become obsolete.

I buy all my seeds from reputable breeders, this pack was over $100. I don’t join the coops because I can afford what I want, I appreciate the breeders time.


It can be good to try new things if that’s what they truly are but it’s also wise to learn from the past as to not repeat the same mistakes in the future. The preservations and co operative seed purchases aren’t so much about who can and can’t afford what. They are more of an effort on behalf of few to benefit many, that’s what community and unity are about. Many of us have different views in regards to seed prices and what is reasonable to pay. I think $100 a pack is pretty average now a days, whether that is high or low is a matter of opinion. I think $50 -$100 is fare all things considered. $100-200 better be some fire from a reputable breeder working known lines. Paying more then $200 if you got it like that why not but honestly there not going to produce anything incredibly better then what’s available cheaper. Those high prices are typically driven by limited availability of hyped up strains or from discontinued and valued stock going to auction. The best thing here about og is being able to compare so many peoples different thought processes on things we have in common
I wish you the best of luck on finding what your looking for or at least having fun on the way.


I see them becoming much lower as the market is going to become saturated, hence in my first comment I said no intension of becoming a breeder.

Not my first rodeo, not my first order … won’t be my last order.

The old site was awesome, people would spend months doing their own experiments and posting results … When they introduced karma on my first grow before I finished people already had karma bars. Guess the old days are gone.


Looks like you have a RUE Paul plant there! Lol


Ended up just throwing the tops because they were just cuttings, back in veg not enough pollen to
make it worth the while. I’ll try flowering again with all five this spring and look for pistols. Maybe I’ll try taking a few cuttings before, and flower everything again to see the results and if it was stress induced or hereditary :thinking:

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In regards to people sharing and posting pics of there projects I find the site to be just as good if not better then before. There is alot more information known now then there was then esp considering all the new tech available. There are some things different from the old site, some better some worse but times change and OG is still run better then the other sites imo. The karma system was neat but it was not a clear representation of a person’s over all actions. We should be able to judge users for our selves based off there time here ,the nature of there contributions and interactions within the community. We also have the option of creating a rate this user thread for your self that enables members to give feedback about there expieriance with you. All and all I’d say yes the old days are gone but the new ones look very promising.


That feature already exists on other forums, you can like or agree with users posts but it really comes down to the same thing.

Agree about karma, on the old site the first thing you learn is karma only means someone’s an active member. Some people also have many accounts which would be easy to detect from people’s IPs, login times and karma likes.

Anyway, I have an interest in hermi’s as the more you know about them to easier it is to create or eliminate them. I also have interests in monoecious cannabis as this may be a way to back breed on a plant without feminising or passing a hermi gene. There could also be ways to stress a hermi out with chemicals or natural methods.

You never know until you try =)

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I’m guessing the site is still phpbb so they can probably install any plugin they like.

No idea about plug ins and the site , will have to leave all that up to the computer wizards and site admins.
Good luck on your hermi plant expieraments, it’s definetly not something your average grower would spend time on but maybe you will discover something interesting, or at least llearn a few things about plant sexuality and inheritance traits.

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It’s alright, it will only take me a couple hours to throw together a website, logo, corporation and domain … I’ll probably post my research under a new company then maybe update this site on occasion.

IMO you have more of a chance making hermi’s from F2’s, especially if they are inexperienced growers and they haven’t been tested by breeders. Would hate see seed strains being recalled from hermi’s …

I’ve seen in your other posts that you intend on being a breeder, but you don’t have money for sponsorship?

Might want to test your seeds, have peers test your seeds, then show up with your leaf to rub elbows with other breeders at cups before selling seeds or calling yourself a breeder. It’ll be a long road and a good 5-10 years, good luck on your journey =)

From what I saw about coops that seeds can’t be sold, yet many people seem to have logos and names implying they might have that intent, if not on here maybe somewhere else :confused:


From a preservation aspect, I think it’s really important to understand.

IMO it’s one thing not to preserve traits that are almost certainly undesirable. It’s an entirely separate thing not to preserve traits thought to be undesirable, but with no evidence to back it up. Lots of landraces exhibit this male hermie trait. It would be most unfortunate to eliminate it from seed populations only to later find it’s importance for some useful application.


No worries, I keep track of all my research. Never plan on give out seeds or selling them.

Yes, hermi’s happen in nature to many plants during evolution, many, many self pollinating plants. Some scientists believe all plants started dioecious, then into intermadairy stages moving to hermaphroditic and monoecious.

To some people this is interesting, apparently not everyone.


I agree, and I’m very interested in what you find. I was just trying to say that I’m interested in preservation of landraces and I want to know more about it before I grab my pitchforks.


Haters gonna hate =)

I remember when the duckfoot strain was first posted on here. I think he had more people tell him to cull it and didn’t believe him. I hope he got his name associated with the strain.

I’ve actually been growing for about 25 years and playing around with seed making for the last ten. I have degrees in natural resources and have spent time working as a professional botanist, arborist and in multiple nursery settings from retail to large scale production. I don’t have money for sponership here because I don’t feel a need to advertise on the site at the present moment for various reasons. Most of what I make is quickly grabbed up locally by people who are familiar with the strains I work with. Testing is not a issue as I enjoy doing that myself and have plenty of friends locally who are happy to receive free beans. I like it better that way anyways I avoid the online seed tester drama and can personally look at every test plot as they devolope. I don’t personally have the ego or need to appear at cups, its mostly for show and advertising and imo the beans speak for them selves once they start making there rounds.When and if I decide to make things available here on og I will happily become a sponsor, for now I enjoy gifting free beans away and helping with the preservation aspects of the community. I don’t know of many coops on here besides one I organized with the help of a few other members… and yes the preservation runs and gifts should not be used to sell or create beans for that purpose but that’s a diff subject with multiple variables and opinions. Good thing the genetics I’ve been working on and releasing have nothing to do with this site and wont. I appreciate your advice and consideration of what I am doing but I would work on your delivery as to avoid people making negetive assumptions about your intentions.


It will be fun to watch what you grows and see what comes of it. I think the question you asked to start the thread explains alot about your understanding of plant biology and or your reasons behind forming a opinion on who should be a breeder and who shouldn’t. I do agree there are way to many chuckers out there looking to make a buck of poorly bred genetics how ever I also think it is unwise to make assumptions about other people with little to no actual info on the person or there ability and qaulifications to breed qaulity genetics.


lol, I think I’ve posted enough on here. I’ll do my research first, then post rather than give out anymore ideas :joy:

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