Anyone Seen a Male Hermi?

Maybe if I like someone on here I’ll let them know who I am, they can check our my LinkedIn and see the seed company I worked for in my practicum … it’s on a post, not my work experience :joy:

Just for the record, you’re kind of a dick.

I just offered to give up space in my garden, my time, and post it all for free … good job.

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Not sure who that is directed at but name calling is not nice. I’m not sure what or who upset you but I’m sorry you feel the need to express your self in such a way.


You went back and edited your posts, I’m sure the admins can see them.

Again good luck to you

That is correct admins and everybody else can see edits , I see nothing wrong with my posts now or pre edit, thank you for the conversation though it’s a interesting and little explored topic most would not venture into. I did not mean any of what I said in a negetive way though so I’m not sure what upset you or why you felt the need to question my place as a breeder or even bring that up let alone resort to name calling.
When I said it would be easier to not mess with Herm genetics I was not implying that you shouldn’t but more that most people don’t and wouldn’t because of the work involved and the lack of space to dedicate to expieraments. There is alot of research about breeding with Herm plants but little in regards to cannabis directly. I’ve said all I have to say about this at this point, I wish you luck but don’t appreciate the negetivity , good day


You removed (edited) posts about questioning my experience and have fun with your hermi experiment …

To be fair I never questioned your experience, just a method of what I think is required to be a reputable breeder. I don’t think past experience has anything to do with it, only that you stand with your peers at cup contests and go through the same assurances for your customers.

I mean admins can actually see all your post edits and what you originally wrote, they can also revert them back to the original.

I haven’t deleted any posts entirely only edited them and I already said I’m fine with all of my posts edited or not. The only large edit I’ve made is to explain I won’t be speaking to you if you keep acting like this, everybody can see edits not just admins. your obviously just looking to create a argument at this point, it’s clear to all esp with the name calling, I’ve been polite and entertained this long enough, I’ll no longer be speaking to you and am asking you to leave me out of your threads and comments at this point I have no desire to interact with people who behave like you are.


I’d actually prefer if you didn’t post on my threads, if that’s okay with you.

:+1: perfectly fine, always happy to agree to disagree, take care


Interested about this, but I guess I need another lifetime getting a degree to understand the process. I see this kinda project could go in many directions, do you have a like commercial end goal or just doin the hobby scientist experiment? Not being negative, I just want to see you post more, as I am a med/rec self-sustainer, who, despite my lack of formal education, has a love for growing, and a comprehension level above my pets and plants. My interest is with that quote, particularly re=invigorating old cultivars that suffer from ‘genetic drift’ etc. without hybridization to ‘get back’ said original genetics. So please, @plant forge ahead, there’s something for everyone on OG.and I love reading and learnin’. Cheers


Everything I post on this site is personal research from my own tents.

I’m pretty sure anyone doing things at a commercial level would be protected with a NDA =)

Thanks for the support. I’d like to see more threads if anyone has ideas. I don’t think there are bad ideas and if people are willing to share their information and time I’d always be there to support them as well.

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NDA that took me a while he he. Not as long as trying to digest the plant sex post (that shit makes me smoke weed to stop my brain from exploding) from above. That doesn’t read anything like penthouse ‘forum’ for plants…annnyhow…I start Minging (viking man whining) when I find 5 seeds in a plant I’m smoking, so I flame-thrower anything near hermi in the cycle. Really, I’m not homophobic anywhere but my bloomroom shewomanmanhaters club. So I fear your research, that’s what the attraction is, watching someone do something , that I don’t have the balls for.


Yeah, I had only had one bag of weed with seeds (other than Mexico) and I’m getting to be an old man. If I even found one in a bag I purchased I would probably find a new dealer or at least let him know, and grade it lower than A. Defiantly not putting anyone down that might be growing weed that is seeded or hermi prone, I just know personally it wouldn’t sell here in a dispensary or on the street.

I’ve never had any in my stuff, but then again I’ve never had space to keep males or hermi’s until now. 100 plants makes it easier to keep some plants around that aren’t producing :wink:

I think we have high standards here in Canada, or maybe I’ve been lucky =). I have multiple tents and might get another 4x8 or 6x8, then another few smaller ones for experiments. Venting is easy in except for the winter months =)


Anyway … I’m probably gonna take a little break from the site and go pick up some more seeds. Gonna try dispensary seeds now they are available.

I’ll probably just post some updates on new threads if I find some interesting stuff.

Wish everyone happy growing and it’s always better to smoke your own.



Oh yes, I have seed where a small % of the males are transforming to females !
Stay cool, Cees


Yup i had some Black Triangkes that I out back into veg after 2-3wks in 12/12.
They popped pistils about 2 wks back in veg


Just a quick update …

The one male cutting that I flowered and rooted at the same time has continually thrown both male and female sex organs even while in veg (I will flower him again soon and grab some pollen now I have a dedicated isolation tent for males). The other three cuttings that were rooted while in veg are not showing any female parts. I suspect after you force any plant into a hermi it will stay that way throughout it’s entire life, with cuttings or re-veg.


Whats he look like?

I’ll get pic today, so far I’ve been ripping off the male/female flowers but he might have more by now. I’ll get some more pics of both over the next few weeks/months. He’s been in soil so a little smaller than the three I have in hydro for the same age.

Here’s the three males. I’ll get some close ups today as well after I finish my pollen filter. Been pinching the other when I see new signs just to be sure no pollen gets out. If my isolation chamber works with these guys then I’ll flower the hermi right after to make sure no cross contamination.


If they hermie in vegg I throw them out ASAP. Otherwise I try to save them. Good luck.