Anyone Seen a Male Hermi?

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J Genet. 2014 Apr;93(1):241-77.

Genetics of dioecy and causal sex chromosomes in plants.

Kumar S1, Kumari R, Sharma V.

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Dioecy (separate male and female individuals) ensures outcrossing and is more prevalent in animals than in plants. Although it is common in bryophytes and gymnosperms, only 5% of angiosperms are dioecious. In dioecious higher plants, flowers borne on male and female individuals are, respectively deficient in functional gynoecium and androecium. Dioecy is inherited via three sex chromosome systems: XX/XY, XX/X0 and WZ/ZZ, such that XX or WZ is female and XY, X0 or ZZ are males. The XX/XY system generates the rarer XX/X0 and WZ/ZZ systems. An autosome pair begets XY chromosomes. A recessive loss-of-androecium mutation (ana) creates X chromosome and a dominant gynoecium-suppressing (GYS) mutation creates Y chromosome. The ana/ANA and gys/GYS loci are in the sex-determining region (SDR) of the XY pair. Accumulation of inversions, deleterious mutations and repeat elements, especially transposons, in the SDR of Y suppresses recombination between X and Y in SDR, making Y labile and increasingly degenerate and heteromorphic from X. Continued recombination between X and Y in their pseudoautosomal region located at the ends of chromosomal arms allows survival of the degenerated Y and of the species. Dioecy is presumably a component of the evolutionary cycle for the origin of new species. Inbred hermaphrodite species assume dioecy. Later they suffer degenerate-Y-led population regression. Cross-hybridization between such extinguishing species and heterologous species, followed by genome duplication of segregants from hybrids, give rise to new species.




A LOT of Copy / Paste by this puberale young ones ! ( scroll up to see itā€™s a copy/paste thing ! )
So irritating ! Itā€™s bringing NOTHING.


[Indexed for MEDLINE]

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**When do you stop to write that crap HERITAGEFARMS ??? **
Copy / pasteā€¦ for WHAT ?
To let you look mr. know-how ?

HeritagefarmsOldschool Member

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Looks like heā€™s not hermi right now, during the first little bit of growth I saw a few and picked them but must have stopped. I throw most of my soil ones in the corner and donā€™t pay as much attention as I should until theyā€™re big enough for me to get a few clones for buckets, then get rid of them ā€¦ might have had him in a pot a little to large and over watered and a leaf or two curled under.

Iā€™ll put him into flower after these ones and see what happens. Maybe get some pollen just to play with, but want to make sure to keep their pollen separate :slight_smile:


Iā€™m not exactly sure what post your referring to nor do I understand the nature of your complaint. If I did copy and paste something it was with the intention of sharing information, this is something done here quite often by many members, that is one of the main points of this site is to help spread knowlege in regards to growing cannabis. Iā€™ve been asked not to post in this thread and donā€™t care to reply much to you anyways based on the nature and tone of your other posts, sorry but not sorry for what ever you have decided to take offense to. This is not the place nor the time for trivial nit picking.
Edit - now I see the post I shared and you reposted, yes I copied and shared a article I found informative, it shows the authors names and the date at the top so I in no way implied those were my own words. You seem to be on here looking for any little thing to get upset about. @LemonadeJoe there isent a problem with me sharing articles from others is there, this guy seems to think there is.


Trolly Moly


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Man, people have been acting all uptight and weird on here lately. You shouldnt have to defend yourself for stating your opinions in a polite manner and sharing informative articles. I just added another seed company to my list of never do business with.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a troll account not the real one :slight_smile:

I dont know. Its the same member account that was answering questions about seeds in the no mercy fundraiser auction thread. And, hes exhibited this behaviour before and was even on a ban over it for a while.


Ohhh, I obviously havenā€™t been paying attention.

2 hours ago. Lol. This guy is a real gift to the community. Lol.

lol, Iā€™m not even sure what to say. I havenā€™t been following this story. Sounds like they have a beef of some sort.

yall be trippin lolā€¦
Any intersex plants must be euthanized. For the sake of yurself, others and for future generations, please remove all ā€œmechanicalā€ and ā€œnaturalā€ hermies you see, from the gene pool.

If he was accidently stressed and threw a pistil, then he is Weak and must be culled. do not allow him to pass on his genes.

u want fem seeds? Plenty of great GA and STS recipes are here, or use Matts sprayā€¦ but never ever use a hermie that just appears without you having to use chemicalsā€¦

Its your responsibilty when u make seeds (be it chunking or breeding) to not allow weakness into the gene poolā€¦ for everyones sakeā€¦

i know it sucks to kill any plant, especially one u put time intoā€¦ but it must be doneā€¦

and yes i have seen a male throw a pistil. Yes, i was heartbroken and yes, i cried.


That was speecees posting on a sponsored topic for the vault seedbank. Dude is a lunatic. They were advertising free fem seeds with every order. It was flagged almost immediately.

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hehe, so much drama in this thread.

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Thereā€™s always a grey area on an anonymous forum, people say a lot of things. People say they are professionals with years of experience in one thread and saving for a car in the next. People 65 living at home in their parents basements when the average life expectancy is 79. Personally I donā€™t know many people that are 65 that can use a computer or smart phone. Iā€™m sure some people only search Google and post articles, if they understand every article is another matter. Itā€™s hard to tell the truth when everything is anonymous and online, but I imaging most people can see the forest through the trees.

That being said I think thereā€™s an unwritten rule on this forum; if you canā€™t prove it then itā€™s generally not accepted to call someone out. One the same token, pictures/documentation or it didnā€™t happen.

This is why legal countries are changing to chemical profiles rather than strains, to remove the lore and myths that exist and start to bring to legitimacy into an industry that has been illegal for so many years.


Yep the online world is a mess made worse by assumtions. For example I happen to be saving for / buying a car atm but itā€™s not because I canā€™t afford one itā€™s because the custom Jeep I built eats gas and is a theft target when out of town. Need a good low profile commuter for out of town so I can dedicate the Jeep to the forest. Over all we are a community and should look to help and support each other instead of bringing negetivity to the scene.


Not calling anyone out, or a lair, or even asking for proof or reasons for anything ā€¦ just saying there are probably many reasons and explanations for things people do. Thereā€™s an entire thread on peopleā€™s occupations. Not really up to us to question peopleā€™s credentials or stories. Just to take them with a grain of salt as itā€™s all anonymous and anyone can say anything they want, or maybe they donā€™t want people to know the truth.

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You are entitled to your opinion. I believe any feminised seeds, made through stress, GA3 or silver will be the same outcome.

Do you have any posts or research that GA3 or silver works to turn a male into a hermi? Or the difference between using chemicals or stress on females? All Iā€™ve come across for male hermiā€™s is possibly light cycles, also that male hermiā€™s are quite rare.

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Damn dude I sure donā€™t want to hear that

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It doesnā€™t work.

But thatā€™s all beside the point. A lot of off-topic posts about feminized seed, female reversals and things that have absolutely nothing to do with males that throw some pistils. Everybody reads the word hermi and runs for their pitchforksā€¦ hence my reference to the monty python witch scene.

:man_shrugging: whaddaya gonna doā€¦