Aphids during week 3 of flower. Options?

Not for me. It will keep them at bay but won’t kill ‘em in my experience. I used the max dose.

Methanol spray over here. Dilute it to 65%, add a drop of yuccah or horti soap, water the plants beforehand, paper towels in the containers, line em all up, drench the plants with the methanol, then go over em with a plain water spray, and all the fuckers are dead.

Just make sure turgor pressure is up and you back off the lights a bit the first couple days after.

Also, don’t leave the methanol in for too long or make it stronger than 65%.

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Orius laevigatus is a good one too. I see it in my outdoor garden every year. Buy it from time to time as well when I have plagues.

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Spray violently very often. Everyday if possible. Underneath the leaves and brush the main stem with a soft tooth brush. You will get your crop because you can spray until week 5. By then your population will be almost zero. And they won’t take back over, at least they didn’t for me.

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Im sorry you felt the need to add that, as it directly condradicts my attempt to help the OP with his issue. Lots of people have issues with things that others have zero problems with, but simply sharing that something didn’t work for you in contrast to what others are saying is not constructive or helpful.

I use Dr. Zymes Eliminator on my roses, cannabis and in my garden. I can show people that it works just fine with video or photo proof. Literally the bugs die on contact as the acid eats them alive. You can watch it happen, and it is extremely satisfying.

You do have to continue using it and properly for it to be effective in some cases, so I’m sure that’s your problem. Not being consistent, efficient and methodical with your application.


I was only stating my experience brother. Also I do my ipm RELIGIOUSLY. That stuff couldn’t even kill russet mites when I dunked a plant in a max strength for 3 days straight for 30sec to 1 min. I did the same with sulfur and it killed the russets in one application. I also didn’t tell him not to use it either. Again just my experience. You choose to see how you see things and that’s ok bro

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I appreciate everyones help. Together we shall vanquish these vermin


What about a pyrethrin containing spray?

Don’t use that stuff on flowering plants bro.

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Are you running co2? If so you can suffocate them, won’t kill the eggs though.

I also second not using pyrethrin in flower, if at all.

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I took over an under-managed indoor that had just over 3 weeks left in 12/12
Infestation was horrible.

1st cycle of treatment was with a well known peppermint solution from the Hydro store. Used it exactly per instructions to no avail for 5 days. All while staying indoor

I moved those plants outdoor and…

I just used Dr Zymes for the 1st time and all I have to say is, Wow!

After 1st application I actually had to look with a scope to find any of them little buggers left. Before you could see them everywhere with no scope.

It looked about 98% better …

I went all-in with 6 oz per gal of water the first night
Tonight is the second application so I will hit with medium solution (4oz /gal).
After seeing what Dr Zymes did last night I used it as an IPM on the rest of my (18/6 outdoor plants) also.

I do have to say that I did read the bottle a few times before use. The writing is so small that I had trouble with my 1.75x readers to even see it. I had to take a pic and zoomed in…
H20 between 6.0 and 7.0 ph, water temp (79º- 90º), cleaned everything out exactly as instructed. I also rinsed the plant off after a little over as hour as I am using for multiple days

Don’t know if the Full Pink Moon last night helped or not :wink:

So glad I had read this :arrow_double_down: :arrow_double_down:

As a side note I also went to Amazon to purchase this as my local hydro store did not have Dr Zymes in stock. I noticed the review below and ended up driving up north a bit to pick up a bottle at another store. I can tell you from Experience a Bunch of Fake :poop: on Amazon…