Thrips? Looking for confirmation

Looking for confirmation.

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Looks like … help|nullxnull



Thanks for the confirmation. Thoughts on what to spray with? BC banned Safer Insectidle soap.

A good couple sprays should take care of those little buggers.
I use lost coast but you can’t get it in Canada.
I got a recipe to make your own from a fellow grower

I showed this the other day on discord and someone I respect as a good grower said to use 2 Oz of isopropyl


Thank you Justblazing.

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Lost coast plus a spinosad heavy spray and mine were all gone in a matter of weeks. I didn’t have many full blown adults like that tho. But even still lost coast blew my mind. Didn’t know you can’t get it in Canada. I could send some if needed??


Thanks for the offer but unless we rebooted it then I don’t think it will pass customs. I’m not sure why it’s prohibited as it looks all natural and extremely effective

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Once I run out of my bottle I’m going to make a batch of that recipe I posted above to replace it.
Somehow mine made it past customs probably around 5 years ago. Works great.

Just get some Bonners peppermint and make your own. Just store the concentrate you make in in a tightly sealed jug for storage. Then just mix that 30 ml per liter when needed.


I’m going to mix up a batch of your recipe soon. Just waiting for the stores to open

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LC is
Soybean oil 38% .38-.76oz p/g or 2.3-4.5 tsp p/g
Peppermint oil .5%
Citric acid .25%
Isopropyl alcohol
Sodium citrate
Purified water

A homemade recipe for 1gal would be
1 TBSP soybean oil (.5oz) - typically 10-30 ml./gallon
1 TBSP Dr Woods peppermint/tea tree soup - typically 7.5-30 ml./gallon
1 TBSP ISO (.5oz) - ~0.5-1 oz./gallon
2 TBSP Hydrogen peroxide (1oz)
1 Tsp silica
.25g citric acid (1/16 Tsp)
.25g malic acid (1/16 Tsp)

Soybean oil is super common (basically all the major cheap name brands), but as blazin suggest you can use what’s on hand. Like any oil (neem) never spray in direct light/sun.

Paper on using Soybean oil for mites:

Any Castile soap will work (as will natural dish soaps). But you can get the peppermint with Castile. Or use an essential oil.

The silica is for emulsification (of oil/water), which the soap will also do. But works really well if you have.

Be careful with the acids as they can burn stuff up if you get too high of a cooncentrate. Paper on using 100-300mg/L acids

LC is for both critters and PM/molds & the acids are for PM so I would just skip.

If I only had $5 I would just use the H202 & ISO (available at any box pharmacies or drugstores) with natural dish soap. Thrips are pretty easy to take down.


@Razor Wow beautiful write up!!

I was thinking the same. So based on the new information how would you suggest I modify your recipe or should I keep it as you posted?

Trips are easy to take down? As a proud plant Daddy I’m freaking out internally knowing my baby girls are infected with non beneficial insects.

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Thrips are one of if not the easiest to get rid of
If they are just in veg you can use a Pyrethrin bug spray


I grow outdoors. So they’re all over the place. I don’t really stress about them. There’s mites all over the place also - those I try to keep at bay. But for me it’s the dreaded bud worms. Those fuckers are the worst. I Bt em, but it’s a challenge.

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Thanks guys. I really needed to hear reassurance that this could be easily dealt with. How often should I reapply the spray and for how long?

I have a bunch of Larry OG I am about to flower, how long should I wait to flip after spraying?

Spray them good every 2-3 days I think for at least week at least with one of those lost coast type sprays. Same if you use a Pyrethrin spray might only need 2 applications with the Pyrethrin but might not want that shit that close to flower

I’m going to use the spray mix you suggested, mostly because it has easier to gather ingredients than the second. I’m going to start looking for the other recipe ingredients after I spray my plants down with something useful.

I used to spray for preventative purposes but had to stop as my province banned Safer’s insecticide and I didn’t find a replacement.

Little tip. If you see something on your leaf stick your fingernail or something right next to it. If it moves its a bug, if it doesn’t its just debri/dust

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I’m a let’s get that under a microscope kind of guy. Sadly I have a lot going on in my life so I’ve been busy dealing with those things and trusted too much my girls were safe until this morning. At least I have some free time to deal with this problem now.

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