Aphids during week 3 of flower. Options?

I believe i have spotted 2 aphids in my grow tent. Currently in week 3 of flower, what are my options?

Currently spraying down plants with misquito dunk water and dish soap mix.


They only get on your cannabis because there’s nothing better around.

Grow vetch, aphids love vetch, it will keep them away from your cannabis.

Make friends with them, simply give them their favorite food and they’ll leave every other plant alone.


Put in sticky yellow traps right next to the soil.

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I have good luck with vacuuming any aphid or spider mites I see with a shop vac. Lady bugs treat aphids like candy too.


Your option vary depending on what type of aphids you have. Are you able to get a scope on them?

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So i wentthrough each plant quarantined the 2 that had bugs, found 6 overall. No sign on my other more mature plants, but that may be vecause they target younger weaker plants.

Lotus, Unfortunately they dont ship to Canada.

Orison, i can try, they are yellow brownish and light green.

Are you growing outdoors?

Koppert in canada😁

Lol no, i am in canada. Its still below freezing some days and every evening. Indoor tent grow.

My set up is in this thread. Intro to me and my black candyland grow - #55 by jessethestoner

And i will be checking koppert soon.

If you found them just now chances are they already laid eggs. You can use a product like doctor zymes but it’s an up hill battle from now.

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Yea it will be a tough battle. I am weighing my options and i may have to go an insecticidal route

Grow blue magic bug blocker, it’s made from a turpene of a cannabis plant that’s naturally resistant to pests and is almost powdery mildew proof. Because it’s a natural turpene it’s compleatly safe bit it will take care of your problems

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Essential oil spray up to 1 wk before harvest, imo. You could try a dose of spinosad but it’s probably not enough & just a waste. :face_with_monocle:


Ladybugs or green lace wings.

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If you plant Red kale around they will go after that instead.It’s sweet like candy to them.

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Dont really have that kind of time.

I will probably look into some kind of insecticide.

Dr Zymes… will kill them instantly on contact.

And its safe.:v:


Thankz, but it seems they dont ship to canada. Ill be looking for some equivalent today

They don’t directly… there are options. I have lots of friends in Canada who use it.

I just found many places in Canada that carry with a Google search. :v:

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