Appalachia F5, Cherry Pies, Tombstones, an Sugar

Not sure to put this here or grows because im not breeding yet and plant to select and make seeds. Seed maker?
Appalachia F5 is by Copa fron HnL stock
Cherrie Pies are from nsg and Flamingoz. The latter being F2 of Tikis “cherry pie redux.”

Tombstone needs no intro.

Most details will be on but major updates here.
Just had pack of TS for years in fridge.
Silver Mountain was my fav dispo smoke, Chile Verde was my fav dispo clone grow. I would like to make homages with appy and if i can find it KeyLimePie. But i came acroas a "better c99 alternative " so here u am.
I have another unopened pack of Appy, and strawberry cough seeds id also like to cross with n see wht i get.
KLP also happens to share lineage with CP and Appy and us half of chile verde literallg spicy strain like that red gum cures sweet spicy mmmm worth a drive to Dystopia.

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Sexylachia fast growers


9pm solars goin strong gonna try to get them used to light like clones so i can takem off a weak or 2 early see if ot triggers them faster anyone ever do this?


I think seed making instead of breeding is a pretty noble choice, you’re just carrying on the good fight in a way.


Cherry pie redux f2 from Flamingoz 4/5,1 dud.

Sad i cant get a full pacpack of healthy seedlings.


SSSC straight from Holland came through 3 weeks!
5 of the fattest indica seeds I’ve seen.
Fridge it goes.


Looking forward to seeing them grow!


Had to pull one appy, one is a runt not sure genetic or seed but part of the selection process i guess.
4 more cherry pies to choose from. 5th one was not a real seed but hope to get 2 fems to choose from .
I got 5 more appy i wll run to increase me fem selection.
Last rant about seeds: mine 4 years in fridge :100:% germ in fucking weed impede juice.
Maybe i should just be a seed maker vs (aspiring. Before they throw tomatoes at me) breeder lol

Maybe it’s the extra food, some nat cheqp pgr, and time to the males and same for the females but i dry (but drier than normal) then cure the seeded bud. Then winterize in fridge. Is there any other way that better? But that’s another topic, advanced techniques for pollen and seed vigor.



appalachia f5 sounds fire. good luck with your grow.

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Thanks gents I could use the motivation🙏

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Lankiest strain i grew.
Growth is exceptional for side yard except for one or two gonna get culled.
Gavem some orthosilic.
Folaired neem and pyrherin as some already got them stupid baby leaf hopper bastards. Gavem a shower too so they comin back from but of stress. 5 325mg aspirine drenched too with vit c 5 gals ro helpem along.

Oh solar lights seem keepem from drooping for most of night i wonder if this makes that chemical that triggers flower more sensitive just like clones under 20hr pit out any time. Im 37N so i shall cut the lights end of july for 10 week mid october harvest where nights are cooler


Aww snap, Native Sun beans!! My dad and I have grown their gear :metal:. Following

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Cool. I ordered a second pack because of very week seedlings and only charged ship for the cherry pies. I have no idea how they sourced it.
I also have a few cherry pieredux f2 also to select my yummy potent pheno hopefully.
What u grew out?
I have no space or id test their NL5 too i like pine and never smoked that

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I’ve personally grown NSG’s Grape Stomper F2 and Fuji Apple Cookie, both were phenomenal.

My buddy crossed my dad’s Fuji Apple Cookie female with Humboldt Seed Co’s Blueberry Muffin male, we call it FAB MC and i grew one tester that has blown away everything I’ve grown before or since (you can probably search FAB MC here and find it)

My dad most recently grew out his Runtz fem and it turned out really nice.


I believe this is true for one main reason comparing BG to HnL style…

I couldn’t fit Brothers grimm description into this fourm.


Man , I d love to get some cherry Pie beans… Just dropped Cherry Pound cake .


Yeah I believe its London Pound Cake x Cherry Tart .

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Spring cleaning

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Ok that was tmi…i only run 3 hemp plants :laughing:
Speaking of.
4 year old seeds free from oss largest seeds ive held. Wanted to make a 1:1.

I owem a report. I ran their runtz gum it was fire :fire: (indiana bg x zkitt)

I think i saw a pistil on the widest one. Maybes itsctoo early
Btw the price went up to 60 a pack on gps lol good for them.
TK and Stsrdawg is respectible enough for me to cross with if i find something