Approx Quantity Per Plant?

Hello, here I am again with what is probably another stupid question, but I am trying to figure out how my production is “measuring up.”

After growing a couple of plants from seeds all the way through harvest, babying them, nurturing them and waiting what seemed like forever, it didn’t seem like there was that much produced by each plant, but I’m so new to this I’m not sure how much is a good amount. I saw one person say they got a pound from each of their plants but I think they were growing outdoors and I am growing indoors… I only reaped a little under 2 oz from each bush… that’s a lot different than 16 oz even if they ARE growing outdoors.

Would some of you folks be so kind as to respond and let me know… what could I possibly be doing better to get the buds bigger, get yields up if that isn’t high enough? Thanks.

Details: I use good feminized seeds, quality dirt, distilled water, and try to keep to the Dr Earth and lighting schedules. I just learned about air pots so I might try those next…

Seems like a lot of time and work for not really a lot of green… Thoughts?

PS: Now I understand why the dispensary prices are so #}>^% high!!


Way to many variables to say across the board, grow bag size,nutrient plan, light intensity, humidity,temps, water frequency ect. 2oz indoor soil grown ain’t bad, I’m shooting for lb plants this year but that’s under the sun in a greenhouse running 30 gallon


A first grow and you didn’t kill them? That puts you about two sigma above average. :+1:
If you want pounds per plant you have to grow outside.
Inside, a good metric is 1 gram/watt. You hit that you are doing OK



Are these folks weighing before or after trimming and cleaning? Wet or dry?

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I would say that the best quantity a grower could hope for would range from .75 of a gram per watt, up to 1.25 grams per watt of light.


Like AzSeaindooin420 pointed out, way too many variables in play here.
Congrats on the successful first run, it’s better than most people’s first…
Focus on even canopy, look into manifolding if you haven’t already, it helps to maintain even canopy…
Gram per watt is what I would focus while growing indoor…
Cheers brother, good luck with the plants…


30 gallons = 30 ozs I bet you surprise yourself :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Well shoot low and be appreciative for “extra”, roots are growing through the bags into the ground so realistically it may even be more, this grow feeling like this already knowing I got couple months of veg still


I was always under the impression every 10 gallon averages 6oz outdoor 🤷



Are you saying (this will sound really stupid and prove I’m totally new…) that you are putting each plant in a 30 gallon bucket, or 30 plants in 1 gallon buckets?


30 gallons of soil in a fabric grow bag with a single plant in it


I mean this seriously here. :heart_eyes:
Is it possible you are trying too hard? :thinking:

Remember, wet-dry cycles are very important.

Pick a routine that you know works and stick to that tightly, like a book. :nerd_face:
Good luck

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Not stupid at all man. That was 1 plant in a 30 gallon fabric smart pot on top of garden plot. Bottom rots out in couple months so it was like a 30 gallon feeding tube. I just got lucky meeting 1oz per gallon. I’m a novice also that’s the only of my four that I didn’t completely screw the pooch. 2 Hermie’s in July Mac and Gorilla Zkittles and the Kish I got a horrible yield because I burnt it when it was a baby with LEDs. I learned a lot from last year. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I’ve always had a tough time with this “ADHD” since I switched to coco/peat/perlite I found my lane. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: oh and no more M.G.M.C

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Dear always: what should this get me:

My friend set it up… he’s looking to the future… We are licensed for medical, but he is optimistic that it will be recreational soon! LoL.


Now stay in your lane buddy!.. :rofl:

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yes sir` :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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How many watts are those lights?

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They are 6000 when on high.
8 inch exhaust system


No they aren’t.

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