Approx Quantity Per Plant?

600 watt each?

Lol I hit reply too quickly. Not trying to sound like a dick.


I sound like a dick all the time 3rd person text is so impersonal


I would guess my next harvest that those lights are not pulling 6K watts from the wall.
And if you are not industrial with a local transformer, you would be burning down your building drawing that king of wattage.
Just sayin…
Now there are probably 6K LEDs in there, but that is the color temperature, not wattage.


Sorry, wrong figures… I told you… I don’t know my a$$ from my elbow…

Four of those.

They’re LEDs they barely raised my light bill… well, a little.

Edit: my babies sleep in the day and have their light at night… keeps the heat factor easier to manage.


Okay that’s closer. So the lights are either totaling 800w or 1600w

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That sounds better.

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At 800w you can bet on maxing out at about 2lbs with perfect canopy management, dialed in nutes, proper genetics, and a can do attitude.

If they are 1600w the double it.


So, 400W per fixture.
There are a pile of variables to deal with.
A PAR/PPFD map of the lights would be helpful dealing with lights.
This should be available from the manufacturer.


If you are dialed in a gram a watt. On special occasions I’ve hit 1.5.

You are doing very well if you’re hitting a gram a watt.


In about 2-3 weeks a couple more will be harvested… doggone circle of life, will let you know if I got close.

Thanks, Everyone!


Indica_Jones said it better…
The devil’s in the details…
Proper canopy, perfect nute balance, with good genetics and a bit of luck would have you past 1g/watt mark in no time brother…

People here on OG will gladly contribute towards your goal in your grow journal bro…


So many variables

To get a pound per light indoors, you’re gonna need to veg like half a year and have only 1-4 plants under a light.
I got 8Lbs a plant off Diesels, but that was full-sun outdoors. Usually in a tent its 4-6 ounces per plant.

Indoors, some big variables are light wattage, soil container size, biotics and enzymes, watering methods, etc.

2 ozs is pretty good indoors. If you look at the Dutch seed catalogues, you’ll see they list strains ranging from 70-300 oz per plant.


2 oz per plant is fine . The pound harvests are outdoor plants 8 feet tall vegged under full sun all summer OR if it’s indoor it’s vegged patiently, trained for months. Huge lights.
People get greedy, and think that since someone grew an outdoor 8 footer under perfect conditions they should get a pound in their 3 by 3 under a chinese light.
Can you grow what you need at 2 oz per plant? Absolutely, and as a beginner you’re doing fine. Can you tweak your game and get more? Yes, but just relax and grow weed. Don’t compete with the internet. Grow what you smoke, and be patient.
I see autos at around 2oz per plant avg in soil under a medium sized LED. Sometimes one goes 2.5, sometimes it’s 1.5 oz. You can fit 4 of them in a 3 x 3 and unless you’re the king of the super stoners, you’ll have more than you need.


Just cause folks make claims don’t make it so. I fairly new at this thing of ours. I have just 2 years, I started during the pandemic. Donald Trump bought me an Amazon cannabis creation kit with economic stimulus money. I have harvested as small as an eighth and as much as 10 oz’s off a plant ( all the credit goes to great genetics). Don’t even ask about the plants I out right killed. One my first grow I had four plants in Dwc and went to check them one night (drunk), overdid the pH down. When I checked the next morning 3 out four plants melted( don’t know how else to describe) So this can be a heartbreaking hobby for sure. I am just now starting to grow with forethought and intent , meaning I do more than drop a bean and pray. I try to objectively evaluate my processes to do a little better. When I first started I used measuring spoons for mixing nutes, now I use blunt tip syringes. Point being, I am constantly evaluating myself and I always trying to improve. Unfortunately I am unable to learn everything at once (I tend to need to read things multiple times cause I have a knack for forgetting crucial steps), trust me when it comes to growing a Lb per plant indoors is a lot like having a business or a nymphomaniac-Everyman thinks they want one until they get one. A Lb of weed is a lot of plant. I make my goal to be a better grower and harvests will improve.

Good grows!!!

Edit-I started cloning with the idea of a lb+ per seed as opposed to per plant. Like Capt Kirk if you can’t beat the game play by your own rules.


Veg time and training. Other than good genetics that’s how to get per plant production. 2oz per isn’t bad indoor with a short veg time. But I try aiming for 4oz per indoors on bigger plants. Clones in sog I aim for 10-14g each but x many more plants. Less veg time. Overall better output per plot but not per plant.
Don’t be discouraged about ppl saying they got a pound off a plant. Notice almost none of which put it on a scale and actually show it’s a pound. Why. Cause they didn’t get a pound. Now outdoors yes very possible. Longer veg. Natural sun and large rooting space play big parts there. Indoors usually 3-5 gallon pot. 30-45 day veg get you 1/4 lb per pot.


whoa whoa whoa… 6k watts? Nope. Not happening. No need for a local transformer. When I kept reef aquariums 20 years ago, all I had for lighting was MH and VHO. I ran a coral farm with over 1400 gallons of saltwater in my basement. At my peak there was 8500 watts of light (and lets not forget a half dozen pumps in the 4k - 8k gallons per hour range) and several dozen smaller powerheads, heaters, chiller and other assorted electrical for the farm. Add in household usage and it was easily over 10k watts at times. Hell a coffee maker is 1500 watts on its own dude! Just had 200amp service, and a large box with a LOT of circuits / breakers. (Half were dedicated to the coral farm). 6k watts on one circuit? Yeah that could burn the place down (single Circuit breaker trips here with the microwave, toaster and coffee maker on at the same time). 6k watts on 3-4 circuits? easily do-able…


Reall indoors with photos yield/plant isn’t the metric to look at its yield/sqft. Once you’ve got dialed in it’s not to hard to hit a lb/sq meter you can do that with 9 little plants in sog(sea of green) or 1 big plant trained out in a scrog(screen of green) it just takes practice.


Modern strains will hit 3 oz minimum with no veg time. If you aren’t hitting that, get bigger pots. Or be happy you have better strains. Some people chase yield then regret it when they realize it’s all Blue Dream smoke.

The trend I’m seeing is smaller plants smashed together. There’s no point in vegging anymore, if the plant will strip itself down to a 12" canopy. Led strips under the canopy are needed for plants over 2-3 ft when smashed together per square footage investor demands.

Seeing this I meant to tag op sorry

This is what a 2 pound + light looks like

But that’s not any metric to grade yourself on until you really get the hang of things

an oz per gallon of soil used per pot is another solid way to more realistically challenge yourself to get better

there’s people Ik getting 4 pounds a light with 640w light.
but obviously that is not any standard by which to judge your own accomplishments
as long as your happy with the quality and have enough smoke to get you thru to your next pull that’s a win IMO