Gorilla sherbet my 1st grow

To start, Cheers to a great book which put me on my path to finding this amazing site with the amazingly helpful and knowledgeable people, marijuana horticulture the indoor outdoor growers Bible. Secondly I want to thank some of the posts on this forum which I followed straight to a good source, the growers who to trust. I found seedsman.com and gave them a shot. I received my seeds in about a week and a half after going through some type of loop usps has. I chose Gorilla sherbet fv from Sweet Seeds and got 7 seeds, also got 3 Critical + 2.0 auto seeds as a free gift. I will start to germinate and grow these seeds over the next week and have purchased an AC infinity tent 4x4 thanks to again the great guys of overgrow! Im looking forward to starting and posting as it moves along.

starting the process I will be using roots soil and am currently looking for additives. Please feel free to throw in suggestions as I’m willing to try damn near anything and mix some things up. I will be using 5 gallon bags that came with the AC tent.


Good luck,
My advise to you is to not overcomplicate things.
Try to think plant and not from the human side.


Yeah. I want to go with roots soil because I’ve read it’s fairly easy on plants to start with. Im not sure what else I should add but I’m hoping it’ll give me at least 2 weeks before I have to add anything so I can scavenge some more money to add to it.


Looks like you’re on the right track. Don’t worry about being perfect your first run, just get a healthy plant to the finish line and round 2 is easy. Best of luck!


Appreciate it. Just want to make sure I actually get something to smoke and try out.


Welcome, excited to see your grow. Smoking your own cultivar is beyond satisfying.

What light are you planning on using?


The tent I bought from AC came with a 400watt light. It’s a AC Infinity 400W Ionboard S44 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light. Eventually I would like to grow under a 1000 watt led but for now it will have to do.


Welcome and good luck with the grow. Great choice of seeds and equipment to get started with. Seconding the advice to keep it simple, and don’t stress if they don’t look perfect.

You can grow a lot of buds with 400w it should do well, no need for 1000w of LED in that space.


Dont mind me. Just gunna watch.

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More than welcome! :+1:t3:

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Im going to eventually build a room. So this tent will hold off until that process begins but my goal is to push 6 plants flowering and 6 plants germinating / veg for a more constant cycle. So the 400w will stay in tent and 1000 watt will go outside for flowering in a full room setup.


Welcome, plan looking good so far.


Looks like you have a everything good to go and are already receiving a bunch of good advice.

I would just add that over watering is the biggest thing new growers tend to do.
Just remember to let your plants dry out a bit.

You got this!

Remember the OGverse is with you and will help you out.

Happy Growing :call_me_hand:


Welcome & can’t wait to see your first plants! :sunglasses:


So I may have went overboard and mainly because I’m kind of a mad scientist when I dive into a hobby! Here’s some more things I will be receiving over the next 2 days and some stuff I looked into to try.

  1. Roots original soil
  2. Foop start to finish package
  3. Random misc. I just figured would help begin to professionalize the gro
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So far it’s been great on here. I’ve been told not to over water a lot. I’m in ny and I’ve been told our water is pretty clean so it should be easy to balance. Im hoping I did not go to crazy but I did buy a cheap hygrometer to kinda help me not have to guess as often. Im a firm believer in having the right tools for the job! Also went and got a soil ph tester, water ph tester, and a soil temp meter.

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I would give you a quick word of warning. Looks like you have the Vivosun Ph and tds tester in your cart. I bought these previously and they are garbage. Difficult to calibrate, could never get a stable reading, I love everything else Vivosun but their testers were a waste. Had to end up switching to this which works fine.

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I should be getting them today. Im going to test them out and if they suck I’ll just send them back and order a better set


They’re .5 +/- accurate, at least for my pH meter I bought from them. The TDS meter I haven’t gotten a chance of testing against another high end TDS meter.

It’s real easy to spend money on Amazon for this hobby. Trust me, I even got an Amazon credit card after a while lol.

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Probably going the same route until I can find a better option in ny or Jersey. I got the meter to test correctly but I feel like that won’t last since everything you do with it leads to recalibrating it. I’ll eventually buy quality items anyway. I just wanted to get majority of things so I could do the best I can.

Just as an update I put seeds in a rapid rooter and put some water on it. I think i over watered cause it’s been 24 hours and it’s still moist.