Approx Quantity Per Plant?

might want to think about a lil cal mag iron when transplanting baby looks healthy and flourished :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


That’s an older picture… that baby has out-grown her 32oz container already…

That pic was taken May 2nd and she was moved into the bucket a couple of days later.

Take a look at her most recent photoshoot (I have another thread called “Occasional Seed Found in Female Bud”), and I am posting a pic of her weekly there.

Soon it will be time to decide if I will top, trim or clone her. Or some combination of those. :wink:


This was a very interesting read to say the least. I love threads like these


Gave my buddy a seedling last year, he got a pound. I did not start the seed particularly early.


thank you for this info, will also be checking out the ideal soil 2.0 also.

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dispo prices high? ours sell for $5 an 1/8 gotta love it when locals that dont have med cards need some bud :grin: