Are these spider mites? outdoor grow

hi… im pretty sure i have spider mites just wanna be sure… there was a spider web on a bud too but i couldnt find it again to take a picture. does this plant need to be thrown away? i was looking forward to this purple punch :pensive:


I would say yes.

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Noooo :frowning: last time I’ll try outdoors!!

It might not be the end of the world.
My plants get them outdoors, but they don’t get out of hand.
I don’t even spray my outdoor plants with anything. Depending on where you live, outdoors there are natural predators that can keep them under control.
Indoors it is a different story, much bigger problem to eradicate those little bastards.


Don’t worry too much you can easily get rid of them or keep them at bay from messing up your harvest and plant health too much

Buy tea tree oil from Dr woods and peppermint oil. And a bottle of Neem oil. Buy a small sprayer and spray them before sun up and at sun down for a few days and they’ll take off…

I’ve heard other tricks work like adding some seeds from jalapeño’s to your water and I would think that’s a damn good idea lol

Lady bugs can also clean things up for you or keep the numbers low


You spray neem on flowering plants? I thought that left a nasty taste if used during flower but I haven’t used it before personally. Citric acid will wipe out mites as well at 2-3 tsp per gallon without hurting the buds. At higher strength it can cause some browning of the pistils but no residue left on the buds and it fries the adult mites and the eggs.


I’ve always sprayed with neem up until probably week 2-3 of flower or so… I’ve had to spray late into flower before but usually the spider mites hangout down low on inner fan leafs…some lower buds might get a little spray on them but it didn’t affect the buds at all

I also spray an organic caterpillar bt spray through veg and usually weeks 2, 4, and 6 of flower

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Spray or no spray, you’re gonna wanna bud wash before drying…



blast them with the water hose. You can knock them way back. And there are many predators for them outside. It’s not as scary as indoors.


That’s exactly what I have found also. Once I get them even in the greenhouse, it’s game over, but outside-outside, they seem to be naturally kept in control by other natural factors. I have plants just feet from one another and it’s a day and night difference.

@Ashley , is this plant in a greenhouse or in the wide open? How dry is your environment?

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its just one outside plant in the open in my backyard… im in the central valley in California and it averages 32% humidity id say.


Hmm…, well I’m going to recommend what @snizzyy said as well then. With a shower setting on your hose nozzle if you can, just simulate some rain now and then on the plant. You are in a place where I don’t think you’ve been getting much rain lately I would guess and you’re definitely on the drier side of things.

Those f****ers love dry conditions.

Good luck!

Looks like thrips to me in the first pic, the little black goo spots.

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Yeah, I agree.
For reference, below is a lower leaf of a Dinafem OG that is finishing up some seeds while revegging in the greenhouse. They have moved on from this leaf but haven’t touched the new growth whatsoever. I scoured with a jeweler’s loupe and only found a few thrips, not a singe spider mite, which is a miracle and a half for me.

@Ashley would be in the western flower thrip capital of the world, that’s for sure. I still think a little shower once in a while will help and I really doubt that thrips can really end it for you if that plant is outside. I’ve never seen it anyway…

I’ll hopefully stop blabbing now - good luck and it would be interesting to see how things finish.

I gave her a shower and shook off the water, ill definitely keep updates here on how she finishes
thanks everyone for the suggestions
here’s a pic of the full plant :smiley:


Welcome aboard OG @Ashley !!! I have always thought of indoor’s as the Super Cross and Outdoors as Motocross… the Motocross outdoor season takes a toll on the riders and weather usually determines the winners. Where as the indoor Super Cross we usually take ourselves out going to fast !!! Nice work so far hopefully you can bring it to harvest.


Well, my purple punch is still alive but im concerned that I may have possible bud rot? humidity has been higher here at night than usual. i noticed this one spot i tried pulling / squeezing a bit but nothing came / fell off I hope its not bud rot :frowning:
Also, the leaves are almost black looking, is that genetic for purple punch or do I have another issue?

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Well done @Ashley looks pretty good !!! Hard to zoom in on pictures with the new update/upgrade. I didn’t see anything in the pictures that looked bad without zooming in. Did you find anything that was actually growing fuzzy white/black hairs That would resemble a mold growth ? The purple/black on leaves is definitely genetics that part looks good nice work. You must be seeing something that’s not coming out in the pictures because it looks pretty good !!!

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Thanks so much for taking time to reply :slight_smile: I do not see anything growing fuzzy white/black hairs. In the first pic, I was concerned about the brown part in the middle but maybe thats a cluster of amber trichomes? And thank you!! , the smell its giving off is great too very sweet/candy/grapes i cant wait

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Awesome !!! This is why I can’t do outdoors lol the seasons seem to change every day lol. Very good work you can’t be to far out from harvest they are looking great my friend. Keep up your vigilance I would probably shed a few tears getting that far along outdoors if I lost it haha.

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