Are they Aphids?

These aren’t something I’ve dealt with a lot in the past, so I’d love to hear any information, recommendations, or advice.

So far they’re only on the bottom four leaves of one plant. I sprayed them off with the hose and now I’m just spraying them with some Dr. Zymes In the early morning and late evening. Seems they are slowly coming back though.

So I just cut the leaves off and continue to spray the plant, (under side, and top) the soil and the pot.


Might be fungus gnats.
Edit I’m blind yes they look like aphids. And a gnat.


The little green bugs do look like aphids. Check for “tailpipes” coming off their butt. :+1:

I always have them outside and keep the numbers down with just neem/soap sprays. Ladybugs are a neat option, supposedly one ladybug eats 50 aphucks a day. :metal:


Aphids can be found all over the plant, but are always found on petoles and center vein of the fan blades. Soft tissue for them to pierce. That bug is definitely not an aphid. Looks like gnat or some other tiny flyer. Does the rest of the plant look OK? If so, I’d let this one slide unless you start to see a congregation of them. Then I’d act with some neem oil.

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Definitely aphids! i crush them, but if it’s getting out of control, I’ll mummify them with BTK.

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You guys see green bugs? The only thing I can see is the dark speck. Hmm, damn dude, I think I need to listen to my wife and go get some glasses! Sorry for the misleading advice.


The black dot is the winged version of the aphids. That’s how they move to new territory! Each female is born with 2 generations of aphid inside her, waiting to hatch. They are like self cloning machines.


What he said
Edit: 'Points to JoeCrowe


[quote=“JoeCrowe, post:5, topic:114390”]
[/quote]could you elaborate on btk because i dont know if i can pull the dude out of hic cell to take care of my aphid issue lolll i tried google and btk turns out redults of a serial killer, it might redolve my aphid but its a bit drastic

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Oh yah I always forget about dennis rader. BTK is known as caterpillar killer in the USA because of that, so all google links go to dennis rader. hah hah irritating. Here in Canada it’s called BTK still.
google “btk caterpillar killer” then you won’t get any links to serial killers.


Look for ants,they protect the aphids


My favorite aphid parasite is the syrphid fly. There’s this other thing in the garden it looks like a mealybug destroyer. Not sure what it is. Edit Ladybird larvae. Looks like a sheep.

I pulled the leaf off and haven’t seen them since. I also got a lot of lady bug larva around and some wild flowers attracting good bugs. also I just got some marigolds. things are looking good… for now. haha!


For sure! One of the best things you can do is encouraging natural predators of your target pest. I started spraying neem on all my outdoor maters a week ago because I saw some green aphids, adult and baby. 3 applications in and they’re completely gone, but you’ve got to really soak them good to the point that it’s dripping off the plant, Tops, bottoms and branches.
Glad to hear you’ve tackled it!!


I think they might be leaf miners…

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You found a bug inside the leaf?