Northern widow pests

Hi All,

These were put outside fairly late in the season and I just noticed some free loaders along for the ride but I’m not 100% sure what they are.

They’ve left little black spots that don’t easily smash like eggs so maybee doo doo or just tough eggs?

I saw one light green colored feller and otherwise mostly black spots that don’t appear to be moving.

Would you consider it too late in flowering for neem? Any other suggestions?

I have azamax and some dr soon left at my disposal and I may order some ladybugs or predatory mites but I thought I’d start here.

Thanks for the help!


The leaf damage has me thinkin spider mites, but i have literally only seen that once so…

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Think you got aphids there brother.
Judging by the bug in the first picture.


The big white bug is a aphid u think?? Do they do similar leaf damage as a spider mite?

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Hope this helps.


I’m not sure but that’s the bug in the picture. Yes the white/yellow speck towards the top of the black spots.

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Aphids- that’s a new one for me! Thanks @Slammedsonoma420

@Loof I thought they were mites at first but noticed the black spots were not running around like spider mites tend to do.

Looking closer there are some small bugs sucking on the bottom of the leaf and that green bug in the photo was the largest I’ve seen so far.

I’ll check the end all @PhilCuisine

Since I have neem, dr doom (pyrethrum), and azamax on hand now, any thoughts on using either of these at this stage of flowering?

Thanks Everyone!

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Thrips caused the damage on the leaves and the black spots are their poop (frass).


Totally agree it’s thrips




As a quicky treatment give them a spray with 50/50% isopropyl and water.

Early morning or evening to avoid leaf burn. Try it on one leaf first, should kill them on contact but you need to keep treating to get the eggs.



Thrips! Ok thanks so much for the extra set of eyes, now to eradicate the vermin!

I always have aphids outside. I’m sure there are thrips and mites out there too which only ever becomes obvious when I bring cuts inside. Unless something turns into an infestation, I dont worry about it much outdoors. Its worked ok for 3 years now, but I also have a ton of lady bugs around. They infest the house sometimes even in winter.
Maybe the lil green guy was there eating aphids…


yea definitely aphids and maybe thrips too. those are the ‘good’ bugs to get. better than mites!

blast them with the hose hard top to bottom (get undersides too) and youll knock the majority off. if youre able to to do it daily for a couple weeks you might even get rid of them altogether


Thank you! Ill keep an eye on them and try not to go crazy over them unless it gets real bad. I guess it’s too optimistic to think nothing will try to take a bite out of these ladies being outside and all.

I’ll try some ladybugs out too!

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I agree; never thought I’d be happy to have a pest but it sure beats mites! I had those from a cutting I got and they were a bitch to control; never actually got rid of them and I was obsessing over them and tried everything I could outside of the hardcore stuff.

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believe it or not i got rid of mites indoors a couple years ago by taking my plants into the shower and blasting them daily for a couple weeks

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