Best Fertilizer?

I know this may start quite the debate, but I am pretty new to growing and trying to get my buds to look like all these big, fat beauties I see in the pictures. Have a couple of plants just beginning to get tassels so I think that’s about the time to start adding a little something-something to the water.

I use distilled water and want to use only organic items, no chemicals if possible. I know outdoor growers get better yields but at the moment, I’m starting small, indoors, in dirt.

Would love to hear from some experienced growers about what they used and how it helped. Especially folks who grow indoors, in dirt and only use organic fertilizer. What is your favorite brand?

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: As I mentioned, I am new so I respectfully request that if you are putting the Brand Name of a product in your response, please put capital letters on it so it will stand out as a Brand Name. I have not heard of any of these things before… I get that Dr. Earth and Down to Earth and Gaia Green are brands due to the way they were listed, described, and/or links provided, so thank you for those… some of these other posts have me a little confused.

Also, it would be greatly helpful if you could mention how often you use your favorite product and how much you put in each gallon of water.

Thanks again to those who give recommendations on self-mixed soils that include all the best stuff, but I do not have the space to create a soil mixture. Have to stick with dirt in bags for now, and just put a little something on it.

Thanks to all the folks who have posted so far… it looks like Dr. Earth is getting many “green thumbs up” from growers.

Told ya… I am “green”…. LoL :laughing:


Dr earth is my go to, ingredients is just a very solid " meal" package. Nothing but great results from it


If your into organic, look into top dressing with EWC/compost, also KNF/JADAM rabbit whole.
You can’t get anymore natural


I use here plant prod + calcium nitrate…soil peat + perlite 50/50…good results and cheap fertilizer


Down to Earth has done me well and its easy to pick up on amazon or Like Azseaindooin420 said with dr. earth if you have a lowes or home depot around I think they both sell it. I think distilled has its purpose but I feel like you’d be better off in soil with spring water if you’re using bottled water or even just filtered tap will give you a lot of the micro nutes. Distilled is stripped and will pull nutrients just like it does when we drink it. Just my thoughts hope you get what you’re looking for!


with organics diversty is going to be your best bet i use quality composts of different sources ewc,thermophilic,mushroom i top dress ammendments such as alfalfa kelp crab and fishbone meal i do seed sprout teas of mungbean,alfalfa,corn,malted barley i do compost teas depending on where there at in the cycle more bacterial based for veg and fungal for flowering plants im getting into ferments such as knf there is not one best i would say just look for quality clean imputs


I would like to recommend Dr Earth Products not as a best Fertilizer but a roundabout wholesome one.I like to Use the Dr Earth Pure gold because it is an all purpose Fertilizer and can be used for flower or veg and I use it in conjunction with Dr earth flower Girl bud booster to help them get fat and finish nicely.I’d you want to try microbes I recommend Plant Probiotics.It is everything that is in a good compost microbial environment condensed into a powder that is easily water souluble and has benificial fungi added as well.Foliars also keep PM at bay and eat those baddies up like tic tacs.Good product if you want the microbes just don’t want a worm shit factory in your house.Very inexpensive products that don’t lack in quality The bags last a long time


@BeagleZ are those brand names? Thanks.

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Preach brother preach Dr earth is amazing have a look


Early responses are Dr. Earth… I will keep watching for more.

To those who mix their own… sorry… they may be better in some ways but I am disabled with limited space… I can’t do my own mixing… it has to be something ready-made and easy to use for an old fart like me. But thanks for the suggestions that I might use in the future. :grinning:


All these are very good choose also


Gaia Green has an excellent line of organic nutrients. If you’re in Canada it’s readily available at most garden stores.

Jon’s Plant Factory - This place is in my area and has the best pricing in town. His Worm Casting prices are excellent but I would recommend not buying the Gaia Green brand bcuz of the price difference. Can’t remember the other brand but if you search on his website for worm castings you’ll see a 30L bag. Might be called Nature’s Naturals

Gaia Green Official Website

Reindeer Naturals Official Site - Another top quality supplier in my area. They have decent shipping rates too :slight_smile: all organic!


No brand names for things you make yourself :wink: :slight_smile:

KNF = Korean natural farming
JADAM = was started by master Cho’s son and is a more cost friendly version of KNF.

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a buddy of mine is finishing a run in this soil, it went well for him. I also hear good things about Build-A-Soil’s pre-mixed organics.

Ahh that’s cool, I totally get it.
In that case I’d recommend checking out build a soil as well.
Some worms and some craft blend/gnarly barley will work wonders
Good vibes!

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Gaia Green is available on Amazon for U.S. now as well… but the price leaves something to be desired even though I do see very nice results from Gaia. Might give it a whirl one day if they’re US prices come down a bit.


You could always go @Rogue style as well!!
Hopefully they will drop their 2c in as well for ya to consider :slight_smile:


At the moment I just use Build A Soil’s Craft Blend. :+1:


All of those product I showed are all just add water that’s it.Dr Earth Has everything From Alfalfa to bone meal blood meal and everything else in between all organic no bullshit .All you need anything else is an extra labor of love.Use half doses and you will never have burn apply half dose every 30 days.I’m on 3 harvests already and I’m still on the same bags with 3 quarters left in them.


I’d suggest checking out Down to Earth Organics on Amazon. That’s what I’m using as a substitute

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