Are you using a terpene enhancer? You may want to read this!

yea i posted the patent in there
It’s literally 50% brown sugar.

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I googled…
What amino acids are found in whey protein?

  1. Alanine

  2. Arginine

  3. Aspartic acid

  4. Cystine

  5. Glutamic Acid

  6. Glycine

  7. Histidine

  8. Isoleucine

  9. Leucine

  10. Lysine

  11. Methionine

  12. Phenylalanine

  13. Proline

  14. Serine

  15. Threonine

  16. Tryptophan

  17. Tyrosine

  18. Valine

I would never use anything organic in hydro myself.
Even citric acid was found to be problematic.

I think the purpose of hydrolyzed is so it is already partially broken down.
I am pretty sure because of this it will work well as a foliar spray or a spray/drench combination in soil/coco.

Well yes and no.
Simply spraying the whey is a shotgun approach and I feel it would be the same as whey but would absorb slower due to not being broken down at all yet.
Individual amino acids do different things for plants and soil so if you know what they do you could add them individually with aim.

What advantage do you see with straight amino acids vs Whey?

You foliar it.
It’s in Bud Buster Pro and my reverse engineered version of it called “ball buster shmoe” (you’ll see when you see their price).
I use this.
It’s become more expensive…FJB.


well, I think the disadvantage with the whey protein is the extra fats, sugars, etc that are in it. If there was a clean amino acid product without that stuff, it might work better :thinking: I was gonna grab a lb of that mbferts stuff but lookin at there documentation puts me off a bit as I’m in flood and drain/coco and not trying to spray anything on my plants ever.

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It’s basically bacteria and fungul food. It will stink in a bubbler after a day.
It’s meant to foliar for the aminos and other goodies. The only time it helps in soil is it feeds pgprb and because they are digesting aminos they can extrete phytohormones to the roots.
i gtg back to work.


I agree 100%
I think 10 years ago that is all we had.
I think folks were using braggs too.
I just looked at the stuff @GYOweed posted and I would go with that product, it is plant based, probably cleaner and cheaper on top of that… :wink:
My question is it as readily available, my guess is yes but hard to know without a study on it.

It is good to see you round @GYOweed
This guy gives kinda quick/short responses but he knows his shit. :nerd_face:

This is very true.

Looking back at the patent (those things are hard to read)
I am thinking those pesticide/hormones were used in the scientific process not in the terp enhancer itself.
I saw no purpose for it so I asked myself why would they use it, I thought to myself they would not.
But it is listed, I thought to myself…So I then thought it is probably used in the scientific process.

Also looking deeper into your product it is not your average terp enhancer.
It uses elictors to enhance terps naturally.

From their sales page.
This increases the overall nutrient availability and uptake rate by plants.
This is the amino acid chelates that are doing this.

VPS FlaVUH also contains specific amino acids that improve soil conditions for root growth and increase yields.
This is the amino acids feeding the microbes and becoming rooting hormones.

But I am tellin’ ya and so will @GYOweed there are some unlisted ingredient in there.
Now I am not saying they are bad ingredients, not at all but there must be something else in there to achieve any level of elicitation.
What kinda things you may be askin’?

There are some other…I listed em in the stress thread I linked above.

Thanks for the links @GYOweed

From the link
During field tests, it was found that the inoculation of seeds with bacteria increases germination by 30%.

This is why @JohnnyPotseed 's worm bin germination method works so well.

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I just started testing my eaa powder on my plants today.

Bought it for myself a while ago. But found out its amazing for plants.

Its food grade so Im sure it wont hurt. But excited to see if it helps.

Mine are from bulk supplements.

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I briefly looked at this one but noticed the 14-0-0 on it. Are you using it any amount that it might alter your nute regimen? or strictly foliar?

Would this make more sense for hydro feeding?

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You may not see it but it does increase plant health.
What you may see is less health issues and that is surely a bonus.
They work well it is just hard to see the results with youe eye.
Over time with a side by side experiment you probably could see the difference.

Remember it work best as a foliar spray/sprench. spray and drench the soil at the same time.
You kind of spray until you get a lot of runoff onto the soil.

He may not be back for a bit, but he would probably say strickly foliar.

There is a lot of N in Amino acids naturally.
Yes, it could affect your nute regimen if you drench it in, especially in flower.
The honey has less N but you may need to account for the other elements.

I would really not recommend it for hydro it may be ok for coco drain to waste.
But microbes are not typically wanted in hydro, at least I never wanted any at all personally.

That product is very good microbe food and will make them explode in hydro.
But if you can keep only good microbe alive in your hydro set up it may be a good choice.
I could never keep the bad guys out for long even with a chiller.
It was sterile or nothing when I did hydro.

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NOPE, never a consideration.
My breeder does that for me, I simply release the terps in their work.


Remember a few things, available nitrogen vs nitrogen that needs to break down.
14 is 14%
14% of a gram in a Liter is 140ppm N

Liquid nutes are 99% of the time a ripoff exceptions made for liquid only nutes like orthosilicic acid.
At the end of the day remember that gram/L =1000 ppm no matter what your TDS reads as it cant read things like Citric Acid.


I could definitely believe that. Its just the product im using. But im sure it will help. Its just essential amino acids at the end of the day.

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I’ve seen a handful of studies that use either individual amino acids or combinations of amino acids as a foliar, and they all show improvements to either overall growth, nutrient density in the leaf (not just nitrogen but a host of minerals), more oils, flavonoids, carotenoids, and all sorts of other metrics used to assess grain/fruit/tuber quality. It’s one of those things I’ll likely add for my weed and veggies and even houseplants since it’s so damn cheap to do… $10 on amazon and you’ve got enough L-glutamine to make at least a hundred liters of foliar spray. You only need 200-500mg/L to replicate the concentrations used in the studies. It seems to be more than just about the delivery of nitrogen and carbon, but also about signaling in the plant. In theory, there’s an amino acid or combination of them that would produce the best signal for terpene production in the plant, but when all the tests out perform the control, it seems like you can’t really go wrong with some form of foliar amino spray.

Edit: to say if it wasn’t clear… the studies are not on cannabis. I wish there was more cannabis-specific research but hey, what are the forums for? :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve gone through this thread a bit. Every single thing I’ve read is about additives for the plant, while it’s growing.
What about the straight up terpene mixes you spray on the weed after remediation to make it stink again?


Like the rejects sold as "moon rocks " on black market that taste like evape juice that made me tell me fam id ex com them if they bought that shit again?


I’ve tried it. It does work. Only through the cut stem. It won’t work if you water with it. The roots won’t uptake the color. I think it works by osmosis.


Try nano hydroxyapetite toothpaste it’s clinically proven to be as effective as fluoride for teeth health/strengthener of enamel. It’s on Amazon here’s link

Fluoride is actually not good for your teeth. Yes it makes them harder but it also makes them more brittle and easier to break and crack.

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