Arizona Members: Wanna sesh?

I can come as long as we schedule for a Friday or Saturday. I’ll bring everyone some free gifts. :mushroom:


yo what’s smokin’? i haven’t been on the og in a minute now but i’m still around. i’ve taken a side trip to growing shrooms and it’s been super helpful for me overall. but i’m fixing to fire up the ol green thumbs again shortly.

is this thing still a possibility? @HeadyBearAdventures. thanks for thinking of me @AzSeaindooin420. miss ya all!


Sign me up

I will see what I ca bring to offer to the party

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y’all know what i’m gonna bring! hah!


Miss you homie! Going to try to start to grow some shrooms soon seems like a fun adventure


same same dhg! glad to see you’re still kicking it round here. i’ll get an update on the new grows in a little bit. it has helped turn my life around and i can’t be thankful enough. i’ll be happy to share some knowledge.


You know there’s a great mushroom thread on here bud! That’s a terrible excuse for disappearing from all the fun! Hahahaha

Glad to see ya back buddy! Great time to poke ur nose back in with it being dead middle of grow season


word, you right. hangs head in shame i miss you too, muffuckah! can’t you let a man be depressed in peace? ha! i can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to with your ladies at your new spot.


I am very close to SVOB PARK in Tempe if you all wanna do a smoke out BBQ
Pretty sure there is room enough to throw a frisbee around and enjoy the day

Maybe late afternoon or morning to beat the heat

Sounds amazing but I don’t get around very good haha currently or I might would enjoy something like that.