Ah… my dear Geminis, Gemigems, the breeze on legs.
Or hurricane.
Be nice to them.
They are most like innocent children of all the signs.
Outrageous to many, oblivious and well-meaning to me.
Very curious about other people.
LOL Thanks!
(takes bow)
That’s just one of the ways to see them.
I always look for the most positive perspective, helps going through life happy, and happiness is a choice and a state of mind, a way of thinking, more than anything.
And cannabis acts like a lubricant, making it easier to keep the joy going.
How’s the Virgo’s feeling today, this full moon?
Made a new friend and cried with her tears of relief.
Tears are beautiful, human being.
All planets are going direct until April 7th, so it’s a good time to be clear about what you want to manifest, to describe, to formulate, to write intentions down.
and the 23 is coming
All I know is shit just keeps getting weirder.
ORIGIN Old English wyrd ‘destiny’, of Germanic origin. The adjective (late Middle English) originally meant ‘having the power to control destiny’