Trichromes, the plant's quantum optic nerve endings?

The way I just invisioned it was like our eye’s retina, but turned inside out, as a bud, to receive the light.

The trichromes acting like short fiber optic wires but with individual lenses that are wider than the wire, hence the mushroom shape.

There is much more going on than what we can see with our very limited range of perceivable light waves, with or without technology.

Perhaps cannabis is able to receive and store an exceptional quantity of quantum information, which then becomes available to us when we ingest it. Information that comes in through our “junk” DNA, that spooky area between death and life, where we access what is beyond us, that which is continually creating us, the benevolent coherence that is keeping us alive.

There’s many wonderful surprises awaiting us once quantum science takes off and discovers a way to translate and see quantum energy. Just like with everything in physics it must be a push-pull energy, therefore, there must be two black holes at the center of our galaxy. Positive and negative. Not just something that sucks infinitely into nowhere. That doesn’t make any sense at all. But ying-yang makes sense.

Feel free to share about quantum and esoteric spiritual stuff here.
Science is becoming more spiritual, and spirituality is becoming more scientific.
It’s been interesting to see this trend, as I’m gradually understanding more, this growing towards eachother at the apex.

Stoned dream-like murmurings of a simple man, perhaps it will entertain someone out there…


So black holes release the same amount as they ingest. Search hawking radiation.


@Rogue your post just sent me on a journey to the edge of the universe and back! Now I’m sitting here feeling like my eyes are giant trichomes :smiley:

What we know = a drop

What we have yet to discover = an ocean


Fascinating, thank you!

Perhaps our hearts are micro black holes, the quantum realm manifesting itself with infinite variety through infusing our visible and quantum DNA with its programming code, updated through photons… creating everything so that it can sense its own creations through the senses of our bodies. Having deliberately created a temporary veil of forgetfulness at birth, which one must choose to open.

Althewhile also being aware of the experiences of everything that supports us, from microbes to fungi, from ant to tree, imagine being able to experience yourself as all life and dust all at once. Fire and birth. The sun feeding the body, keeping it alive, for the evolving soul, rebirthing ourselves. We are our own ancestors, as there is no separation between life in quantum terms. The sum of all beings and everything in existence is one being of life, aware of every single one of our senses and perceptions, every set of eyes, every beating heart, every molecule.

Designing and adjusting on the fly.

The universe perpetually fuelling itself by giving and receiving, learning, creating, infinitely.

“Dear Universe, show me what I need to know.”

Stepping away from any and all thoughts for a moment.
Breathing in…
Breathing out…
And receiving…


Have you ever noticed the connection old people and newborn babies have? Both are so near to that transition to this realm, they connect on a level we don’t understand, like you said, we forget when we grow up and get our brains clogged with the fog of “reality”. Maybe babies and old people are trichomes

How many tabs did you guys eat…


“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Arthur Schopenhauer

“Check and mate quantum mysticism.”

Ain’t that the truth! That’s why anything immediately labeled as a conspiracy theory, is something that is over the target.

Yeah bro the earth is hollow and also flat and reptilians walk among us

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I accept these things as self evident.

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The eyeball and optic nerve look almost like a trichrome protruding from the brain, but animals have lids allowing selective optic input independent of sunlight.

The Schumann Resonance is generated by the suns interaction with the ionosphere. These signals from these interactions are linked to melatonin production and circadian rhythms.

Periods of high activity can cause wakefulness/insomnia, ringing in the ears (different from tinnitus, it might not even be the ears but it feels audible), agitation or elevated mood, and other effects of which I’m still unaware.

You may be able to hear it yourself, or be sensitive to the effects. I only discovered the existence of the resonance a year ago. I thought I was going mad, waking from a dead sleep to my ears ringing all night.

The last article has links to medical publications documenting human interactions to the resonance.

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