Do you believe in fate or destiny?

yesterday a chemical plant blew up in Tarragona (near Barcelona) here
a heavy metal plate (they say 800 kilos - a ton more or less) went flying over
3 km. (2 miles more or less) and passed between two buildings before
going thru the wall of a building and destroying the ceiling of an apartment which fell on a man killing him instantly
that’s really bad luck in my book
either he was a good man and his time on earth came to an end or he was a bad man and we all know where they go …
even though this is a negative event let’s try to keep this thread positive please


If we do have a destiny, we can’t peer into it. We have no way of knowing our fate. 3-Dimensional beings can’t process the 4th, time.

So even if my fate is to be crushed by falling piano like in the cartoons, I will proceed as if that won’t happen.

I do believe I have a “fate”, that is, where I stop on the dimension of time, statistically it’ll be something stupid like cancer or heart disease, but since I can’t see it, much less stop it or influence it, then I have no choice but to live my life.


There is no fate or destiny only chaos. How else would you explain this bat shit crazy world we live in?


A belief in destiny is attractive because it brings an order and meaning to our lives that we don’t have.

I do not believe in destiny.


Some interesting answers here.

Destiny or fate can be changed, simply by changing ones route. You can say if you drive at 200 miles an hour you will soon die from a car accident, but you still may not. Its a view point that allows you to look down a time line and say that something is a strong possibility but not a reality until it happens and then that could be argued, its still not a reality.

We all control our destiny through our thoughts and actions. I don’t believe in coincidence there is a creative force within the universe and ourselves that we control by our thoughts and emotions and then actions from what our thoughts and emotions bring into our lives.

Physics is showing us that we are transmitters and manipulators of creation, I don’t like using the word God for its religious attachments but, The universe or God is a creative force, it does not know how not to create, so when we focus on “not” creating something we create exactly what we don’t want. We are programmed to think in the negative instead of the positive, what we don’t want in our lives as opposed to what we do. When we focus on what we do want in a positive way it starts to happen and the universe creates it for us.

Sub atomic physics shows us that we can affect things merely by observing them, changing there behaviour, and that time does not really exist, its all happening at once past present and future, and when we train ourselves to sit quietly relax and change our state of consciousnesses, we can see into our past and future through many lives we have experienced in this 3 dimensional physical illusion of reality.


You typed what I would have. Kinda lost me in the last verse, but my mind is open.

Create your own destiny, don’t assume some greater being is going to provide a good one for you.


Pat Traverse has got a rendition of Born under a Bad Sign also, I believe it’s better than the Bluesman’s version.
But I like them both :wink:


Yeah there is a mixture of info there kind of summing up the other paragraphs.

Everything is not as it appears, its all energy vibrating at frequencies that make things hard, soft, fluid, rigid, opaque, clear, you get the idea. Our minds convert the energy vibration into a physical thing, so that we can understand it through our senses as a physical being. Just by looking at something we can change its structure or energy vibration and when done with a positive intent it can be changed for the better.

I believe in reincarnation, we are energy beings having a human physical experience, we attach our consciousness to a new physical being at birth, we live, wear out this body and it dies like an old car, then we get a new one, and so it carries on endlessly, as we hopefully learn from our mistakes in our previous lives. By learning to meditate, we can learn how to look into our past lives and possible future lives.


none of us know for sure …its fun to talk about but in the end we do not know …so i live my life the best i can …make the best choices i can and accept what comes of it…just flow like a river towards the end of this life…being in my 60’s this is not so far off no matter what :slight_smile:


You know I used to believe in alot of that, especially reincarnation… I’ve always felt old and like I’ve done this many times before. But to be honest after the last few years I don’t know if I feel that way any more, and eternal nothingness sounds much more appealing to me than having to slog through all this shit yet again.

There’s alot of suffering in the world, an unfathomable amount, and I don’t think anyone could reasonably argue that there’s any purpose to it or anything to be learned from it.

Why would the universe manifest souls into a lifetime of physical and mental hardship? Can a starving person born into poverty, or an enslaved person, change their situation by being positive enough? What are they, or we, supposed to take away from all the countless lives spent in hardship?

Sorry to be a downer, but nobody ever addresses these questions besides with hollow platitudes about positive mindset etc. Some things are inherently negative and beyond our control, I don’t think ignoring them is necessarily a good way to deal with them.


Can’t read everyone’s responses right now as I’m literally falling asleep but maybe the man was thinking about something bad happening and helped to guide this plate into his apartment without knowing… just with putting that energy out there into the universe. I always try to think positive and picture a safe journey, driving, flying, whenever because I know (believe) in the power of our brains.

Not sure that would be destiny but maybe creating your own fate perhaps… crazy bedtime thoughts. Wonder what I will dream about now :joy::v::sleeping::zzz:

@beacher Scanned your post and its true there is a lot of suffering and poverty around the globe. I have been to Cambodia and seen people living in makeshift dirt floored homes, children playing in literal piles of garbage and honestly some of them are happier (is this living a better life then, being content) than many people who live around me and are unhappy and only see the worse parts of their own situation. So maybe there really is something we can learn from it. I know travelling and opening my eyes more than just what the media shares has been a heart opening and enlightening experience for sure. Ok really going to bed now lol


I agree some things are out of our control, but its the way we deal with these things is the most important part. I think the Buddhists have the majority of their philosophy correct. We are here to learn to love unconditionally, to develop compassion and kindness for all living things. When the majority of this planet get on the same page there will be a big shift in consciousness, and the negative aspects will disappear, because we are all looking out for each other.

Love and kindness promotes love and kindness, hate and anger just creates more hate and anger, when you can have someone hating you and you respond with love and compassion the hate and anger stops with that person creating it. You may suffer in the short term of this life but in the long term we ALL benefit from a better planet in out next lives.

Some advanced souls will take on a horrible life knowing it may be short and painful, to jolt others consciousnesses into being more compassionate and caring. This is usually done at a soul level before attaching to a physical body.

A good example of compassion and kindness happened last week, on this site, when Ghandis Flip Flop started a thread called, Help a hero. Although Ghandis Flip Flop is a bit volatile or Salty as he calls it sometimes, he is a very compassionate person, who puts himself out to help others, without being asked, purely to make them happier, with no gain for himself, that compassion was taken onboard by a lot of the people here, and quickly moved into DatDamDog being set up with virtually a complete grow set up.

When DDD was sitting at home thinking how am I going to grow my meds, support my self, and others, who need weed to help with their suffering but have no money to do it, he put those thoughts out into the universe, and the universe brought him here to meet Ghandi, and get his grow started, with perfect synchronicity. All we need to do is keep moving in the direction we want to go in, and the universe connects the dots and makes things happen, utilizing other people who are caring and compassionate.

Sebring is another great example of compassion working itself out in the universe, when he needs something it appears from some person, he just thinks, I need this, where can I get it from, with the little I have, he asks and it appears from another compassionate soul, because they recognize the work he is doing on a soul level, for the good of others, not for himself. The funny thing is when we start to focus on everyone else and less on ourselves, they start to focus more on others and less on themselves, because the slack is being taken up elsewhere, there is always an exchange of energy going on in many ways, it may not be immediately but it will happen. Even a simple smile or random act of kindness can change someones life for the good. You will get people who abuse this, but when you can see why through compassion, you can understand and forgive them for it.

We sometimes under estimate what we can do, because we get caught up in our fears of loss to our selves, and believing we have no control on what happens to us, because of our negative programming.

Some of us do know for sure, your personal reality is not the the same as mine, that’s all :relaxed:


No amount of positive thinking and willing is going to help a little child stop the bombs raining down on then. You can’t will food into existence when you are starving. It’s great to be positive in your thoughts and actions in life but they aren’t going to stop the chaos or shape any destiny.

Also don’t want to be a downer but the amount of fucked up shit happening everyday to millions of people can’t be some sort of destiny or fate right?


I don’t see any reason to believe what happens to us is guided by any higher power. I think that some people have horrible things happen to them, and did nothing to deserve it. I don’t think that percived injustices will ever be made right through reincarnation or through some new fate in another place.

This belief gives me reason to be kind to others as we will all suffer and eventually we will all die. It’s grotesque to exploit each other given the perilous space we find ourselves in.

The concept of destiny/god robs us of our responsibility to each other by making us believe in some hidden justice. The only justice or goodness that exists is what we create for ourselves.


That’s pretty freaking profound, I’m going to need to read that again a few times to try to process it.

@anon98152597 yes that’s what I was trying to get at… I’m not sure that’s the best way to see things but it is how I tend to much of the time

I think that our consciousness is defined by the unique combination of our physical makeup, and our brain’s ability to recall memories. I also think that our conception of time is too small, and that everything that can happen will happen / is already happening at some other time in some other place.

When we die, we cease to exist or to be constrained by time. The age of the universe passes in an instant before it all happens again. The same process that created the universe creates the universe over and over nearly infinitely, and sometimes in nearly identical ways. Yet the “people” who are similar to us in those universes, have no memory of our lives, and are therefore like us, but also not us.

Everything follows a trajectory. There is no destiny. In some parallel version of this life, the piece of metal narrowly misses the man in the apartment and he lives. In this life, or another one that you have no memory of, you have chosen to be happy today. Make this version of your life your best one, and let some other instance of yourself experience the life where you didn’t choose to truly live it.


Exactly. Fate, destiny, and an all powerful god that controls and dictates every single detail of your life are all just ways to avoid personal responsibility.

“Its not MY fault. God/fate/destiny made it happen, so dont blame me, and dont ask me to change it, because I have no power.”




I dont know if I agree with you entirely there…

This study on meditation in washington DC lowering violent crime rate seems pretty legit.

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lols…ok buddy. I’m sure all the kids in Yemen can meditate a war away. Use their mystical mind powers to solve world hunger.

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