ATM x DTF Auto Cannabonsai

So I’m on a journey of using my Automatic Titty Maker x Down To Fuck auto flower for a bonsai project! Cannabonsai!

I’m gonna post the grow here so please check back :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Since I started growing and training my plants, I’ve always thought about doing this but hadn’t seen anyone do it. Then I found a video of a guy in BC Canada, cannabonsai manny, doing it and thought I need to do this.

The cool thing about his were that he did hanging roots on a rock, making it look way cool like growing on a cliff so I’ve decided to do this.

So I’ve chosen an auto so I don’t have to mess with lighting, this way I can put a light over it in my living room and keep it small hopefully :crossed_fingers: .

What I’m using:
ATM x DTF auto flower
Bonsai container (rectangle)
100w led light
GH FloraNova nutes.

Already started the seed about a week ago and today I moved it to my bonsai container.

Here are some shots of the first day in container.




I’m gonna watch this show.

Hehe…hey @Going2fast, check this out.


Very cool. With a photo you will have plenty of time to manipulate her.
Did this with an auto a few years ago.



Thats very cool and it’s fun to because my fiance literally just mentioned that she wanted to bonsai a plant because we already have books on it and the bonsai wire. If you wanna see some really cool bonsai art check out gold dust farms on instagram they use wire stencils to manipulate the plant into shapes its so cool

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@Going2fast Wow man that is cool as hell!
Glad to see others have done it :blush:

I don’t expect to make this plant large to produce, just to be a nice visual in my house :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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@HighTilliDie so you know which account? The one I found didn’t really have pics of that but a couple off pics :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Update: NVM I found them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@MNGrower you see what I was saying? They have some really cool stuff

Yeah they taking it a bit crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but yeah I love it haha

I saw this on Reddit long ago and it inspired me to make bonsai. Killer work and stoked you are overgrow!


If you Google braapzai I did a grow journal on her.


Here’s a little update. We moving along with this little sprout now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Still going :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Getting a bit bigger everyday! About to start light feedings.


Man I haven’t posted here in a while. Here’s an update on the cannabonsai :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sunglasses:


Outta likes but she’s looking great! Good job brother! Where did you find the bonsai tub for the medium? Also how deep is it?

I got them off amazon…
here’s the link:

and this is the size: Size: 11.5" long x7.75" wide x 3.25" deep

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Outta like but thanks for the link brother! I’ll definitely be saving this for later when I start up my bonsai experiment

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