August Platform Upgrade Complete

I just found that animated gifs in posts can now be paused, this is a great feature for anybody with photosensitivity related medical conditions. Thanks @LemonadeJoe


How do I stop the notifications emails of post coming to my emails?

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There is an ‘unsubscribe’ link in the footer of the email message itself.

Or visit: Preferences → Emails

Chat notifications have their own settings in Preferences → Chat

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I tried that but I still keep getting email notifications…

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You still have some notification enabled from the Chat. Seems like they were enabled by default when the Chat feature was turned on.

This should solve it:

Switch them to “Never” too.


Hows this…hope it works.

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Exactly :+1:

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Still only a 5 picture upload limit?
Also the uploaded pics suffer from horrible quality.
I honesty prefer the site before the upgrade.

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Did I lose my member status or did we lose the members only lounge?

Either way I’ll miss you VIP access.

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Your profile shows your status as member, that is probably why you can’t see the private lounge.

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Oh, it would be shocking to see someone missing the Private lounge … ejem|nullxnull




You’re right, pics are the gems of this forum, I have downloaded the one posted and the original and it loses a lot of resolution … :confused:


I used to be able to zoom in clearly on pictures before the update.
Now any zoom just turns to blur.

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More than double that, actually.

You’re complaining about the photo quality, but the photo of the spider web in your previous post is 1) in PNG format, which isn’t ideal for photos, and 2) only 97kb, so it already has a really low resolution and lacks quality.

Now you’re comparing two photos that are clearly both stored on our server. One is a thumbnail (for previewing photos in the topic view), and the other is the full-size photo. I don’t see anything wrong with either of them, so what’s your point?

It’s working pretty much the same, just make sure you’re not testing it with George’s spider web photo in the post above :wink:


The spider web was just a metaphor for the lack of activity, not mine so I ignored the format, sorry for that. As for the others, it seems that the OP has stated they are pics, not thumbnails.

I’m sorry but I don’t see the point of grids, if you want to see the photo it’s a hassle and it will affect the server the same way that if it was directly posted

Edited upon nouvelties

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I specifically put mine at a smaller size for the initial view. Like I choose 50%. Maybe I should choose a higher size? I personally find scrolling past a bunch of giant pictures to be a lot, so I figure people can click if they want to see it bigger.

Also to note, I didn’t use the grid thing, just didn’t put a new line between the text of the picture names/links.

Happy to adjust if they’re hard to see!


Thanks for the feedback, I personally think it’s overwhelming to click one by one every single pic to see the original one instead of scrolling. Good to know yours were not thumbnails, would have been Gulliver’s thumb :grin:.

When looking for pests or deficiencies it’s better to have a good resolution, for the rest it’s a question of preferences, I really enjoy when a good grower is also a good photographer …