August Platform Upgrade Complete

Yes I hope the message indexing can be dialed in further. Before the profile pictures were added to the left in of our PM list wasn’t it just the titles that were displayed? I only remember seeing names next to messages in the drop-down menu, but it was only limited to the last handful of messages sent. Since the profile pictures are now added next to messages I’ve been able to find more messages that had previously gotten lost in the shuffle, but I can see your point about if a profile pic changes then it could lead to some confusion. I think the update improved it from before, but I find it challenging to quickly figure out who a message is with when I’m the last one to reply to a given message because it shows my profile pic to the left with no way of finding out who the other PM participants are without clicking to view the message.

It would be nice to have a way to more easily see who which members are in a PM from just a glance.
Many blessings and much love


This is a different view than I can see, is that what desktop view looks like? I peeked at my desktop view and it looks similar to yours but doesn’t show more than one profile pic next to the messages, only the profile pic of the member who replied last. I would enjoy that view with all the profile pics of the contributing members of a given PM being shown. I think you should be able to click the pic and it will show you the members name with some of their stats underneath. Many blessings and much love

Same here - the first image I uploaded was from my desktop browser. I just added a photo showing the mobile (android) browser to the original post.

Android…When I’m replying/Uploading the text box stretches the length of the page then jumps to its original size at the bottom, when i touch the keypad it opens leaving the box hidden beneath the keypad for a few moments, to reply i’ve a few seconds of the screen resizing and the reply box hiding beneath the keypad.
Before the changes everthing worked seamlessly.

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Dang I would be pleased to have both profile pics showing like it does on your desktop browser. When I click view in desktop mode from my phone it changed it to almost how your desktop view pic looks but instead of multiple profile pics next to the subject titles my desktop view on mobile only shows one profile pic and it’s the profile pic of the last member to reply to that message. It’s pretty cool to see how many different ways the forum can be viewed depending on device and preference. Thanks for bringing this topic up @sllimnave. Many blessings and much love


I loved XP also. I have never been able to navigate on a phone :sweat_smile:


I would like to be able to attach notes to user profiles. So when i have a good experience with one of the many members here i can write a few short notes, then when icome across them again in the future i van easly see notes i have taken on past experiences.


As technology advances, it is important for us to regularly update our platform in order to remain current with the latest technology and security standards. Windows XP, which was released in 2001 and reached its end of life in 2014, is now considered an outdated operating system that is vulnerable to cyber threats. It’s not wise to use this OS in 2024. You are asking for trouble.

There is a possibility that your old computer could be upgraded with a current operating system such as Ubuntu. It will be slow, however for browsing websites it still could be enough.


I don’t think there was a username in the previous version either.

Yes, the layout of the inbox is problematic and it arises from the decision to design private messages in the same way as public topics. Developers are likely realizing that this was not ideal.

I suggest a workaround that I frequently use is searching for my private conversations with a specific member.

Put the following into the search field:

@member in:personal

(where @member is the username of the sender)


Is there an option/way to reverse the search order of ‘unread topics’ so the oldest is at the top?



After you run the search you can change the order.


Well damn!! :joy::ok_hand:

I asked., :crazy_face:



It looks like the Chrome translation plugin affects navigation between forum topics… if it’s enabled for automatic translation to my native language, clicking on any topic won’t work. Disabling the translation and returning to English allows the selected topic to load correctly!!!



Good afternoon everyone, After the update I’m having trouble accessing topics and sending images, the app crashes and sometimes lets me post and sometimes doesn’t. I loved the layout of the update,But I’m having trouble enjoying it better, thanks for the work done :pray:

4 posts were split to a new topic: Reader Mode :book:

16 posts were merged into an existing topic: Overgrow Chat

What about being able to delete your own post after 24 hours? I had to flag a post because it was older than 24 hours. It was in a DM with a picture of my address .

The ability to edit and delete posts is limited for a reason. If users were free to remove their posts whenever they wanted, we’d end up with broken discussions, where many posts would be missing and the replies wouldn’t make sense. In a way, a forum is similar to the old system of mailing lists, where you sent messages to a server and couldn’t take them back.

I understand your situation, but unfortunately, the platform doesn’t distinguish between public and private topics. It applies the same limits to them. This is why some users use the workaround of flagging their posts, and a moderator will remove them. Others opt for alternatives like private note services.

Btw you can also use chat DMs which are only temporary.


I use this for sending my address. Open it once and it deletes itself.


I just noticed the wikis automatically type the number you are taking I like that feature!