August Platform Upgrade Complete

Yes im going to agree with this.
I tend to take multiple photos, edit then upload the whole set.
I probably wont be uploading as much if its one file at a time.


ill just go for less detailed pics, if it stays this way, for me its a practicality thing.
i gotta take pics trough facebook to access them on my pc to then share them here.
once i save them in my folder i try to select all in one go so instead of taking different perspective views ill just shoot for a broad over view of the garden and stray away of the close-ups

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Some peopleā€™s pips are one solid green pip?

Sorry for the lack of updates. I was really looking forward to presenting some of the features I have been working on since May and put a lot of hours into them. Unfortunately, I caught Covid and have to stay in bed. Luckily, the update works without major issues. I have received a lot of private messages regarding the software update. I will address them when I am feeling better. Thank you.


all in all its a great update take it easy and thanks for the dedication


Hope you feel better soon @LemonadeJoe , get lots of rest and feel better. :v:


28, 29, somewhere around there. Itā€™s just an estimate since I dont know the actual set number.

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I hate major version upgrades that take hours :scream:
Thanks for the server update LJ, the Discourse V3 UI is looking pretty slick. Pretty, pretty slick


Hi holyangle
It didnā€™t work for me when i tried to delete I had to clear out the message once blank it allowed me to hit remove and then it worked

But all said I like the improvement and iPhone loves it lol


Anyone else having issues uploading pics?

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So far itā€™s 1 at a time for all of us until LJ feels better and can poke at those 1ā€™s and 0ā€™s.



Ok Kool thnxs man, it kept telling me the pic was too big then I was only able to put one onešŸ¤Ŗ so that explains it


Thanks @LemonadeJoe . Seems so much faster as well! :partying_face: :clap: :partying_face:


Honestly my biggest issue with this is wanting to post 3 pictures, doing one at a time, then seeing i loaded the same picture three times, lol. (And thats just operator error. Theyre all little fuzzy green squares on my phone) Its kind of a built in ā€œslow down, dudeā€ function but i could forsee it being an issue for many stoned people.

Feel better @LemonadeJoe we know this is a labor of love, and hey, nothings really broken imo! 1s and 0s can wait


Thank you for all of your work upgrading the site software, @LemonadeJoe! :+1:

As you point out, there donā€™t seem to be any seriously crazy issues, so please, take time to get yourself back to fully feeling better.


At the top, of the page, there is an icon for a drop menu that allows access to the different categories.
Before the update, there was a ā€œLatestā€ option that brought the most recent posts to the top, regardless of the category.
That feature is no longer available since the update.
I am really gonna miss it.

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never saw an ad before the update eitherā€¦


Never mind, I finally found it. The name was changed to ā€œTopicsā€.

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I saw adds before the update, they never bothered me.
I would have been butt hurt if the latest feature was done away with, though, lol.

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yeah, itā€™s not obtrusive or anything. i donā€™t like the layout change at all though.