August Platform Upgrade Complete



Still digging the interface, but this function is quite dope and explain a bit why the left panel is quite empty imho.


I dont like not being able to read flagged posts.


Issues with the upgrade should be put in @LemonadeJoe 's thread here where he can address them. He has Covid so it may be a bit but he will address issues.


Outta likes.

My guess is that the ā€œTest Sectionā€ is a work in progress. This is what my desktopā€™s monitor looks like.

My guess is yours will look similar in the not too distant future.


I just noticed a glitch in the picture bar at the top of the home page.
It would normally have the most recent post first on the left side, and on the right side there was a scroll button to go a few pictures beyond the 5 that are showing. The most recent ones are not being posted in this, and as well the scrolling no longer works for me on the pics that are showing. I can only view the 5 that are there. The scroll buttons
(< >) are there on the pic on the left and the other on the right, but it does not scroll.

I should mention that my browser is the latest Firefox and my pc is
Windows 8.1.

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Before the update, the window to type in used to be half the size and I could look at the message I was replying toā€¦ Now it takes over the whole screen above my keyboardā€¦ Itā€™s probably something silly that Iā€™m missing, but can anyone help? (Iā€™m on an android)


I believe he created the test section and 2 test threads. I think itā€™s only visible to the user. So you can create a folder and links. I created a temp folder and then added a link to this thread. This way you can create your own folders and links to threads you want to frequent. It seems like a way to organize bookmarks. Itā€™s actually a really cool feature. Create your own custom folders and save posts or threads in them. So you can as an example have a grow log folder and in it the links to all the logs you are following. Then say a folder for Lighting and save all your favorite lighting topics in it. Super cool way to organize all the stuff you prioritize.


I donā€™t think there is much that can be done unless there is something on the back end that can be tweaked by @LemonadeJoe. The closest thing to a workaround is to hit the down arrow at the bottom of your keyboard. That will make your keyboard disappear and you will then see your reply and the post you are replying to. To resume just click back on your response box and the keyboard will pop back up. Itā€™s the only workaround I can see for you at present @luxton . :v:


So I had it backwards. Iā€™m missing the temporary threads, theyā€™re not leaving someone else. :man_facepalming: :laughing:

I wonder if thatā€™s so for all us Mac users.


Ok, yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doingā€¦ With my memory, itā€™s LOTS of extra taps now, hahaha

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Update seems pretty smooth overall. The organization in the profile drop down is nice. I could get used to anything really thoughā€¦

I do think the initial loading of the site is slightly slower for me now.

Hopefully the multiple picture uploads is implemented again. Usually when I post pics, I have to scroll way back to some date. Doing that several separate times is kind of a pain, and easy to forget which was the last one.

Also, is there a native dark mode for the site? Iā€™d definitely appreciate that. I know some people force it through their browser. I use duck duck go on my phone.


Yes, but as of now only available to supporters and there is no toggle switch.
Itā€™s a work in progress I guess ā€¦we will have to wait for LJ to get better and announce it.
Suprised to know COVID is still getting people although most folks should be vaccinated against it by now.


How do I turn off mobile mode??? I accidentally clicked the mobile site button weeks ago and Iā€™ve spent several attempts trying to find the desktop button. Canā€™t find the damn thing for the life of me!!! As soon as you enter mobile mode, all the buttons at the bottom of the page disappear, and youā€™re stuck in mobile forever, doomed to roam the site for eternity looking for buttons, features, and options that only exist in desktop mode.



18 posts were split to a new topic: Issues uploading with Tor Browser

How do I get two bars?

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Appreciate all the efforts!
One tech note - on iphone12 mini im noticing some weird screen sizing going on. It keeps zooming in too far and cutting off the right edge. The login popup is pretty wonky too, cant see both user/pw lines at the same time.

I donā€™t know if anyone else was running into this but for months prior to the upgrade I was getting constant popups asking me to turn on notifications. It only happened on my phone and no matter how many times I clicked allow or dont allow, they would just keep coming. That has not happenes once since the upgrades so really happy that is sorted out.


Iā€™m not sure if this was already addressed but will multi picture uploads be making a return? Doing it one picture at a time is cumbersome and I accidently upload the same pictures twice because I have the memory of a goldfish.


I upload a picture and then make a short comment on it. Then onto the next. This helps me remember where i am and also if one needs to be resized i dont have to guess which one.