August Platform Upgrade Complete

I’m the same way @Hashpants… I never remember where I am otherwise, lol

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but ad revenue from any ads shown goes into the server fund, correct? So maybe seeing ads on this site isn’t the worst thing?

All-in-all, cool upgrade! Definitely a couple things to get used to but, cool upgrade!! :grin::metal:

Thanks @LemonadeJoe!! Hope you feel better soon!!


Although faithfully resistant to change, I have decided I like the new format.
Seems to fit the left handed better perhaps?


Dear people, please forgive me. You see I clicked on the Terpene’s ad, out of curiosity because even though there’s a 98% chance I’d never be tempted to use it. :shushing_face:


Well the one pic at a time upload should really cut back on extra memory with less photo dumps. Not being able to take a pic through the forum but only from ones ive already taken kinda sucks ill have to be more diligent about erasing pics in my phone lol. The updates are nice i like the set up and love the fact that once you open a new notification it drops to the bottom instead of having to scroll through them all!


I just found the advanced search filters… interesting…



The addition of topic categories and page views to the advanced search options is definitely a nice added extra functionality

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I understand stand the bandwidth issues mass picture uploads can cause. It is frustrating to do one at time though. I get it’s kind of a first world problem, but it’s 2024 and I have gotten used to streamlined social media. It feels like a downgrade. Id happily take back the old format in favor of multi picture uploads. I primarily use my phone. I honestly had no major issues with how the old OG functioned on my phone. I do use the OG android app instead of in browser. Maybe it made a difference? I am not sure.

What about 5 picture limit? Limit per hour? Honestly even that to me feels like a large compromise. I never noticed any server lag issues or missed out on updates prior to this. Are there other server /cpu bandwidth bottle necks that could be addressed? What about email notifications for thread updates? How many of us are getting email/push notifications we don’t want and how much bandwidth does that use? Maybe make that a default off across the board unless specifically checked on by the user? I know I’ve personally turned off a lot of email notifications but still received a lot. As far as I know I can’t shut off emails for threads I’m watching/tracking.

I dunno, it just feels to me in this day and age picture uploads shouldn’t be that large of an issue for all if not most forum based websites. I could understand video uploads being a huge issue considering the file size difference. I’m admittedly not an expert or even a novice when it comes to servers and their capabilities. My knowledge of computers extends to gaming PCs and that’s only at a hobbiest level at best.

I apologize if I am being completely ignorant here. I am in no way bashing or criticizing the decisions made by @LemonadeJoe and the rest of the powers to be. I still thoroughly enjoy OG and will continue to frequent and interact as I usually do. My picture uploads may decrease due to the cumbersome nature of the new upload system as I’m sure some other will as well. I’ve seen several others say as much anyways. And that may be by design. I only worry it may deture some old or new members from sticking around or being as active.


Have you checked this?icon_e_confused|nullxnull


I have, it’s been turned back on before more than once. perhaps I am doing something unknowingly to reactivate it. I just now have set it to never once again. I’m also not sure what the default setting to that is. If it’s set to on or when away by default how many non active users are getting emails? I’m sure there’s more than a few people using burner emails they never check so they don’t bother to turn that off. I have no idea how much this impacts server performance. It may not be significant enough to help by any real amount. I’m just high and thinking out loud.

I second the emphasis on “interesting”

One of my most used features.
Now I have to re-learn it! :crazy_face:

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Does anyone know if the number of “likes” we’re allowed has changed? I seem to be running out more quickly and stopped from using them for longer… Or am I out to lunch and everything is the same?


Was inviting winners to a private message for prize selection and after 5 people were invited was told I had done this action to many times and would need to wait 24 hours before inviting anyone else. Didn’t have this problem before. Is this fixable or is this the new standard?


Thank you to everyone who has reported any issues or shared their experiences on this topic. Please continue to do so. I’m reading all of your feedback and will eventually respond to each specific case. I’m prioritizing the most urgent concerns first and will address less critical issues afterward.

Today I fixed user activation issues, we were sending wrong activation links and few people haven’t been able to join the board. It’s fixed now and all user accounts activated. Thanks to the users who emailed me the bug report!

I can assure everybody, that the primary goal of the upgrade is to provide you with everything you’re accustomed to, along with additional features, while ensuring faster and more reliable performance on the latest browsers especially on the mobile.

Hello @Heliosphear!

I haven’t touched any settings or limits during the upgrade, so definitely it’s not intentional.

Maybe there is some new limit enforced. I have checked current settings and there is still very high limit for the initial number of recipients to the PM. But there seems to be new limit for topic invites, which I’ve raised now… Please check again and if there is an issue, let’s follow up in my PM…



Great to see you @LemonadeJoe , hope you’re feeling better. :v:


E-mails have exactly zero impact. We don’t have any limits on bandwidth currently, and there is still some headroom with CPU and RAM.

The only issue with emails is that when a user flags them as a spam with his provider instead of going to the site → user profile and turning notifications off. (or clicking the unsubscribe link in the actual email). That has negative effect on our deliverability.

I’ll check image upload thoroughly and report back. Any changes in limits that you might be experiencing are not intentional.

Can you be more specific about what 5 picture limit you are experiencing?


Thanks @DougDawson, slowly but yes… I had Covid I think two years ago and completely forgot how long recovery can take, and how the fatigue can sneak back just when you think you’re finally feeling better.

I’ll need few days to go through the crazy back log of PMs and issues and then start with actual site improvements :slight_smile:


@LemonadeJoe the ability to read flagged posts is disabled.


We have a custom-tailored theme, so the default color schemes you’re familiar with on other sites won’t work with our design. However, an official Dark Overgrow theme will soon be available as an exclusive perk for our supporters.

I haven’t touched the settings, but maybe some defaults have changed. 1 upload at a time is definitely a step back.

I have fiddled with all the settings again, please try again.

5 simultaneous uploads should be allowed.


Just tried the uploads and it does indeed work up to 5 now. Thanks very much @LemonadeJoe :v:


I’m afraid that’s the expected behavior and I was hoping for the system to act this way. If it’s hidden the OP needs to update it to resolve the issue (maybe the post is off-topic or offensive). In the past it could be displayed with a click, but this is no longer the case. I need to update the relevant docs.

But please mind that flagged doesn’t automatically mean hidden.

A post will only be hidden if it is flagged by a sufficient number of users with an appropriate trust level.

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