Auto curing buckets

I tend to mess things up between dry/cure. I’m pretty sure it’s the boveda throwing the smell off, but maybe im not drying them correctly, or maybe im not burping them right.

I was thinking of trying to make something like in this video, to see if I get better results. Any opinions?

(If you cant or dont want to click that, he made an auto-curing system that uses an air pump to pump new air in once a day, and tubes with pressure release to vent)


Pretty cool idea . I personally can get by with jars but for people growing large quantity’s of bud this might be the way to go .


I dont have large quantities, I just thought this might help if I wasnt opening the jars often enough, or for long enough


I’ve watched that video a few times now. I think it’s a great idea. Low tech, reliable, and hard to screw up. I’m gonna do something like that soon.

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


I feel its more about how you dry it . I hang dry for 14 days and try and keep humidity between 50 - 60 and temp 65 - 70 . then separate buds from stems . Clean them up a bit and then jar . Works for me .


I was trying to use the branch snapping method to tell when they were done drying, but I think in AZ, that doesnt work well. It’s really dry here. I’ve read a few posts here about drying them, then bagging them until the bag gets back up to 62, then jarring them. I might give that a try on my next round


I will sometimes throw buds in paper bags for a couple days . Get them a little drier and distribute the moisture more evenly .


Love this, Already use GAMA lids and 5 gals for cure, really wouldn’t be hard to install some check valve etc in there to automate. I will definitely give this a go as finding the time and remembering to burp is typically the hang up -human error. This looks like it will address that. Thanks for the post @other_barry


AZ can be a tough climate to cure in.
You don’t want it to lose moisture too fast or it will be harsher than it could be. You want to get as close as possible to what Floyd said above.
Another trick is dropping a brown paper bag over the jars (instead of burping) for a few days.
I imagine in your case the challenge will be controlling moisture slowly. As aapposed to worrying about mold.



I bought all of the stuff to do this, with the intention of doing it. I ended up not doing it because there isn’t enough science showing curing works so I’m doing more research.

On paper it seems like a great idea. I really bought it for the automation purpose of it. Even if I only had 1 jar I would still do this.


But if you have the stuff, why not research by comparison, at the least?


This is my opinion as well. I have not done any scientific hypothesis testing, but just based on observation and experience, I’d agree.

Curing is more about getting rid of the harshness of the chlorophyll, while a slow drying process with initially the whole plant hung (including most fan leaves) is what seems to give me the most flavorful buds. For storage, I think maintaining a good humidity range helps keep the terpenes from boiling off, probably due to partial pressures of water in a closed container helping to suppress the evaporation of terpenes. Storing in a cooler environment in theory should also help.


I’m unsure if the science but if you asked 100 experienced growers here on OG, I bet 90+ cure their weed.

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:

Probably true . But if you dry to fast I think you have probably already messed up . Just my 2 cents . :smiley:

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Tons of science to back curing weed and its effects out there, just need to look


Wow ! Science agrees with me . :thinking: :sweat_smile: :joy: :rofl:


I’ve searched a lot and didn’t find anything. Thanks so much I’ll give it a listen.

Honestly not enough time. I also started using a different method and if it aint broke don’t fix it.

Though with the video posted I may revise my method after hearing the science.

Great link brother! Sure explains why disty weed has no taste.


there is a cool project with mason jars that can be found here:

same principle, smaller containers… hope it helps! <3