Auto Flower Yields Sativa -vs- Indica

I have 2 Auto Flowers just popped soil Auto Pounder & Sweet Amnesia Haze XL.

My question to All the Farmers who have growing experience with both
strains Sativa’s & Indica’s which is the Bigger yielder growing Indoors??

Are these small dwarf size plants worth the Yields???

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I’m no auto expert but I would say 10 to 50 grams a plant inside. As far as yields go there are high yielding indica and sativa strains. I would recommend studying the strains lineage. I start with when I do my homework on a strain.


Yield varies hugely depending on your setup. People regularly pull 10oz+ per auto. 2-3oz per plant is probably more likely.

They’re definitely worth it, I grow lots of autos but lots of photos too, I get higher yields (per day of growth) with autos every single time.

What’s your setup like?


Thats probably worst case scenario. Most of the autos I have grown seem to be variable as well, have both spacewiz and tycho monoliths at the moment, each has one big and beefy girl, and one smaller, like much smaller girl. Same lights, soil mix, watering / ferts… The black creams seemed to be uniform in their height, and I’ll know soon enough how well the selfing went with the ladies currently in flower, but either way, theres some variability… I havent pulled less than 28g off a plant yet, managed over 70 with the BC’s and think I could push that to 90-100 dialing things in a bit better. The catch with autos is make ONE mistake and it can hurt you bigtime if its at the wrong moment, or something hard to reverse / recover from.

Like @BasementBeans , I wanna grow both autos and photos, but I certainly think its worth it. I havent been disappointed with the smoke from them either :slight_smile:


I have grown 4 autos ever. They somehow got upset and started slowing down and yellowing out. I harvested the 2 best ones (Sour Diesel auto and Cinderevil), they both had around 7-8 grams but made great rosin for what was there. The other 2 ended up seeming like they wanted longer to grow and went way longer than expected. Those 2 yielded 7-8g a each as well and 1 of them smelt horrible so I threw it into a batch of oil lol. The other yielded horrible for rosin sadly. That being said, I am going to give a bunch another go here soon as I have also seen people pull 1/2 lb off of some autos and figure something just went wrong on my end.


In my experience I’ve grown a lot of autos both indoors and out. Outdoors I usually hit the 1 - 1.5 Oz mark per plant under the UK sun. Indoors is a totally different story. I’ve grown a few 2oz plants in 2l plastic pots of Coco. I’ve hit 5- 6 Oz several times in 15l fabric pots of Coco. In DWC bubble buckets I’ve had much the same results as I get in the 15l fabric pots although every so often you will get one that massively exceeds your expectations. I got 12oz from a pheonix seeds white widow auto BUT she went near enough 16 weeks and the quality of the smoke wasn’t great. :v:

Totally depends on genetics and the grow as for yield.

And only one way to find out that’s to grow them :wink:.

My own experiences are different than most just due to the limited space I grow in though 25g-40g a plant from my 400-450ml containers is norm for me.

If I had the space and ran bigger containers I wouldn’t put it past that I’d see 1/2lb to 1lb+ yields from some plants.