What is your typical yield from a single indoor plant?

not the biggest or smallest ever, but average number of jars you get per plant.


2 Oz usually, I shoot for 2 to 2.5 inch plants


About 3oz

I’ve had anywhere from a single nug up. I weigh after drying and my largest harvest was lost to mold, so I’m guessing 5oz.


I guess part of the equation is how strictly you discern between larf and jar weed. I may be guilty of being a little loose on that. Thus the screen name


My average is around an oz per plant, but i grow tiny plants.
I dont need very much to get lifted so its still super worth the effort for me :grin:


I average about 2 ounces per plant.


Never enough for sure ^^


The number of jars is subjective. Fluffy bud obviously weighs much less than dense bud. We average 10 zips a plant, but we only grow 4 plants max and more often than not, less than that. There is only two of us, so we have bud from over two years ago. It limits our variety, but when we hit the one we really like, we have plenty of it.


Absolutely. I’m very liberal on trimming too. Some people will dispo manicure their bud. I’ve been known to leave those single finger leaves a lot.

I’m fed up on some larf. I’ll trim and train a plant within an inch of it’s life. I’d rather have 5 magazine worthy nugs over a pound of larfy fluff. I haven’t always thought that way, but since I don’t press, or make hash or any of that I have zero use for it and would rather prune it off early.

This is a good question, and until you have done a few grows you don’t really have the faintest clue. I remember buying my first ounce and thinking it was a massive quantity. Surely a felony’s worth.


About half a gallon to a gallon. Since it’s for my personal stash I don’t weigh it.

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Growing 6 plants in 5 gallon pots I get from 3-7 oz a plant of jarred bud per plant, the lowers and trim go to hash.


About a pound. :wink:


I’d say on average about a half pound some slightly under some over best I’ve done was about 1lb off 1 plant


Depends on size obviously. Really a matter of square footage and light. Big difference between 4 plants in a 2x4 and 1 plant in a 4x4.

I’m a tent grower, usually get 2-3 oz per plant. Only bother with nice buds that are easy to trim, everything else goes to butter which I mostly end up giving away.

Not hard to get 8-10+oz per plant if you run fewer plants bigger. I’ve seen well over a lb with dwc. Outside is a whole nother level.


1 plant indoor is about 3000 seeds🙋‍♂️


My benchmark is 4 zips or jars as I call them. More than that is a great harvest less is somewhat subpar depending in how good the herb is. Some kind of cruel law of nature the least productive plants are always.the best smoke in the tent.



My best recorded was 1240 grams for 4 plants of Super Lemon Haze in a 4x4 tent under 600 watts LED.

So thats about 300 g per plant, 10 ounces 20 grams per plant.
