Autoflower ppfd info

Can anyone give me a week by week of how much light in lux or ppdfd they give there autos?



What @Tejas said; but in short aim for 800-1000ppfd unless supplementing with C02.



@Tejas and @Pigeonman - OP is asking about autos here. The chart showed a 10 week flowering time and some autos will go from seed to harvest in that window.

In general autos are more light intensity sensitive when they’re young. Start small and ramp up. Strain/cultivar/genetic variance on environment in general and light specifically is also very broad with autoflowers. Schedule is up for debate a lotta people swear by 24 a lotta people like 16, 18, and 20 hoirs of light. The number of hours you run informs intensity to a degree.

I know you’re lookin for a number, but there’s a lotta factors. Easier to do too much than not enough.


the info about young auto light sensitivity was helpful thanks. i often wondered this because most rudelis originated in the upper and lower parts of our hemisphere. where the light intensity is not so direct as at other latitudes.

i can grow me the hell out of an auto indoor no problem. big plants good yield great quality buds.
then i take that same auto and grow outside and growth, yield, and quality all suffer.

i have never been able to get what one would think with outdoor autos under the big light with proven genetics. i know about stunting. ie food, water, stress training etc. i get all that.

perhaps the plants are to young when i put them out into direct sunlight. causing the stunt? poor results.
gonna try veg them out in partial sun then flower full sun? see if it makes any difference?

what can you let me know about this?


Wait a second, I run autos both outdoor and indoor and I experience the opposite!

I have been putting my last 10 plants after they recovered from the first and only transplant when they are around 2 weeks old, on the roof outside, and the plants seem much more happy and healthy there than inside!

It has been very good weather here though so that probably has something to do with it :thinking:.

At the end of the day when the sun is low, the plants stretch themself toward the sun like a radar, which indicates to me the vigour of the plant.


I think a lot of them can be real finnicky outdoors but don’t have good hands-on experience outside, only done a couple in small pots/wife doesn’t like it. Vast majority of my experience has been in tents (INTENSE hahaha). In general getting autos into that late veg/early flower stage can be tough but if they make it that far healthy they really wanna go. If they struggle on the way it’s hard for them to make up for lost time. Wide temperature fluctuations, bugs, light intensity issues can all lead to this.

I know that some breeders talk about breeding for outside with autos, Gnome aka Mandalorian aka Full Duplex has made it a priority.

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I stick to my statement lol.

I run my autos as follows:

Lighting = 24/0

weeks 1-2 (seed in water, sprouting to 1st trve leaves) = PPFD 150 ramping up to 300.
week 3 = 300 ppfd
week 4 = ramp 300 ppfd up to 800-1000 ppfd over the 7 days,
weeks 5 - end of run = maxed out before burning. If I start to see light overload it’s in week 4 and I can then dial it all down.

Here’s an example at the end of my latest auto run with my own Blood Orange Hubbabubbasmelloscope Haze autofems (A Mephisto genetics cross)

:gem: :gem: :gem:



I agree @logangrowgan2020

Indoors I get hard fucking nugs, outdoors they are always a bit on the fluffy side but not a horrible thing when I can get 2 grows out of one summer season.

I did a test last year and May-July was fluffy, and July-sept was firmer but still not as awesome as indoors under controlled settings.


@Pigeonman lovin all the detail on your lighting and also sick pics!!!

do you blast them all the way thru or do you dial it back as the enter a fade type situation?

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These ladies took their photon licks like the champs they are. :blush:
(*full blast around 950 ppfd)


I’ve been growing autos for ten years. Probably grown 150 varieties or more and what I’ve learned is this, the only reason to lower light level is to save money…
Think of a veggies garden outdoors. Around here you plant in mid to late May. Light levels are nearing max for outdoor growing, 1500-1700 PPFD
( don’t know actual level but you know for sure it’s more than 1000 PPFD ). And your plant sprout into that and grow like crazy. Well so does cannabis and so do autos! Stop babying them. Otherwise, blast em! What matters more is max DLI. Science is saying that plants have a maximum amount of light they can process and more than that is of no benefit. However, they only data is from photoperiods, though I doubt there’s much difference. A properly bred auto’s Ruderalis genetics have been mostly bred out, or suppressed by dominant genes from the photoperiod parent.


What medium and nutes do you run? and what do you use for pots like what size?

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Putting them.outdoirs around day 14 and they should be ok


Seedlings, autos, photos, is it a cannabis plant? If yes, blast them with light as long as other things are in order. If something bad happens, it’s likely that other thing. :man_shrugging:

well my led is 4x4 780 watt enlite if I put it past 60 percent or around 480 watts at about average 16-18 inches from canopy it’ll bake them even though the light has good heat dissapation negative airflow,fan and my Temps range from 80-85 but I see some people same light putting it an inch away and there fine,but my white hairs turn orange in week 3,ever since I switched to leds it’s been difficult to find a sweet spot seems 40k lux or around 700 something ppfd,or a progressive light schedule for flower,any tips? Also i added a photo of a lux and par meter side by side notes i took

Also I’ve heard of people tell me to put the light at the top of the tent and the plants do just as good,like in facilities the lights are always like at least 3 feet off plants if not more,

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Now that I am armed with this knowledge, Its nice to know I have been giving my plants too much light <3

Now they will thrive :smiley:

I saw 4000 ppfd on phototone pointing it directly at the sun once :o

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